rofl I saw he boots noob wow he ebayed em do I care? its meph rollback and people were selling them all the time on ebay? gg I don't buy ebay I sold ebay and those boots are worth like 40$ on ebay my accounts's with are worth well over 1200$ noob I got mules with items form .07 in classic I got a .08 veil in NL ladder and I said tell me your account name or char name and Ill /w you and PwN your newb ass noob and x40 290= ez nothing noob he can do 200k psn he crap druid never hit me GG your ez remake noob and post your account or char name so I can OwN your ass 1v1. and Ill own your bitch ass on ladder to newb
lKoReAlAsIa quote:
Originally posted by MaSteR~ClouD
I'm white i'm a American born and rased bitch I don't wont to live in your gook country korea or somthing werever you do live noob and noob nub clan is still around all those newbs still play i owned there fb sorc a few days ago and some psn druid to GG
and i didn't have time to post in 1.09 becuase I was to buis owning you and your newb clan and most people in amapk1/1 GG and I'm trying to get you newb to post here so i can own you bitch please i wont to duel you noob tell me a char name and ill /w you and show you what OwNaGe means
MaStEr~ClouD OwNz YoU ez U s A OwNz You eZ
Hes Scared. Notice He Skips Over My Offer To Set The Record Straight And Duel Me.
Not ever first letter is upercase in propor English noob don't try to make your self sound like your smart please you couldnt even read "put your name and account and ill /w you and own your ass" lol gook. UsA pwNz Korea cry
RuN- rofl u ebay? sad wasting money on items, and nub porn dont got a shitty cruel..rofl all of them r with ebayed gears w/ slow, have u ever saw nub-boy? guess not rofl, his boots worth more then ur account, thx.
I saw he boots right after owns he ass and "rofl all of them r with ebayed gears /w slow," english? I don't understand 13 korean, are Crainte Vomir
with 35% 50 ias 10 DR like 170 ed or so and -70 mosters def GG noob and I owned him right after he got them too and there GONE. almost everone who a meph glich item wow not rare I had team-vip armor noob worth x4 of those gay boots and a agin
POST YOUR CHARS NAME AND ACCOUNT SO I OWN YOU. and that was in 1.09 and it POOFED alone with all my gear dumb **** half of those newbs couldn't even afford to trade for the .08 bug shako or the team vip armor GG and those poor gooks couldnt afford to ebay it ether wow "ebay gears" do you mean godly gear? almost everone but your poor newb ass had it and I'd bet your not even in run clan you just like nub clan and your korean
~ U s A ~ OwNz Korea Ez