Official Forum Hamster
Well lee, you are on so i will remove it
.... wait for somone to answer youre thread... stay on topic,im being nice,you allready spammed twice,next time i will warn you.Aeromath said:can someone inform me on the major differences between patch 1.9 and 1.11....... single player wise? since no1 is answering my thread
javazons damage comes from ele dmg, and unless you are doing 20k + ele dmg,good druids will kill you.Flamingice said:I don't see how thats on topic
Back on topicid ya try Lee's javazon build :grunt
Flamingice said:I don't see how thats on topic
Back on topicid ya try Lee's javazon build :grunt
dr00d: "lol har har u sorbz my hurricaenz y dotn ya k? lol ph33r my 8K TORNADO TOMATO RAGE!!11 LOL HAR HAR HAR EZPK"The druid would be almost useless