1. Follow Rules
2. Dont ask
3. Tell people they are breaking rules
4. dont flame
5. correct people on things
6. Post alot (not trash, useful crap like opinion
7. make freind
8. dont call people nerds
9. when your asked to be one by some guy reply yes
10. ban the first 10 naems u see unless they have equal or more banning power that you.
1. If you didn't, do you think you'd even be considered?
2. You've done this one too many times.
3. I'd like to see you do that, you just flame and laugh at them
4. Or post gay wrestler porn in your case
5. You only correct them by pointing out their flaws.
6. Well, you seem to have this one down, but more under the category 'Useless crap I just wasted 5 seconds of my life looking at'
7. Well, here in America, we say 'Make a friend' or 'Make some friends', I don't know how they do it in Russia. Unless friend is a brand name of booze, then I can see it coming from a Russian.
RsT's the biggest nerd on the planet earth
9. Asked to be one by some guy? Well, if it's AZN_FLEA or shrimpshark asked you, then I advise
you highly to say yes. If it's a current moderator/staff/admin,
DON'T TRUST THEM they're liars and idiots.
10. That's the only way to become a mod, so if you ever get mod, do it or else they'll drop you quicker then a 1000 lb weight they can barely hold with their tongue.