I told ya BUILT of a barb that will live and kick @$$ everywhere, means cows will never actually damage him, PvP zons will cry cause their ARROWs get blocked and their (already small damage) is reduced by 75 DR.. dude , this is the BEST built ever.
and string have 15 dr on... one more thing you do not need VAMPIRE GAZE, only lame people use it, i can understand that pallies need it cause without their @$$ is kicked... zons do to for the same reason and all chars -exept barbs... heres a deal, get SS(storm shield which is WOOPING 35 DR and socket it with 40 ed jewel or something that you will find useful, like block rate or something, remember the higher % or rate of blocking -more chance you have in PvP and in all situations (err, something wrong with that sentence lol...anyway) ... You will need Shaftstop for WOOOping 30 DR -again whys that? ... less DAMAGE thats what we need here, socket it with everything you want, again for those who live on blocking things socket it with 20% faster block rate, means you will not get in STUN lock (as you know ZONs are the one who can do it, by firing many guided arrows you put yourself in stun lock, cause youre blocking every 2-1 arrow and actually can move or do a singel thing... BUT FOR THAT purpuse you can get charms with FASTER hit recovery... but i like faster block rate bonuses... ) then you will have the picture to what put on your head- Arreats Face..is the perfect choice for both PvP and PvM and all cr@p, you say where is your 75 DR? ..here it is get String of Ears with 10+ DR and heres your perfect barb... ALSO as you already know BARBs live on their weapons, so you will need something like DoomBringer or GrandFather swords... i know i know THOSE swords are HARD to get, but HEY barbs are the only EXPENSIVE chars in the game, dont create a barb if you cant afford StormShield.... cause it says "NO StormShield-No Barb" thats true... no barb can live without SS... lol well i think i stated my points
Arreats Face
String of Ears
IK golves (for nice str/dex bonus)
IK boots (for nice run walk and other bonuses, i heard that WAR TRAVELs are cr@p - true they are, they are for MFing mainly... not for PvP ...oh well)
Raven Frost, Leecher Rings (raven so no b*tch sor can frezze you and leech rings for mana/life leech..)
Barbs Ammy (find or craft some ammies with 2+ barb skills and other nice bonuses... OR THE PERFECT AMMY for PvP is the one NAMED ORDER NOOSE this ammy IS PERFECT FOR PVP and this is THE MUST ........... but you can live without it tho... and dont worry if you dont have it 8) )
well i gues thats all
any questions post ill answer