Too gentle for metal? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What does having tattoos have to do with heavy metal music? I have tattoos, I don't like metal, that's a stereotype. So anyone with a shaved head is a skin head right? All skinheads are bad as well right? Typical stereotype. Punk and Metal have nothing in common, punk is about beliefs, promotion and standing up for what you believe in. Punk music is often cheifly known for it’s political statements. The messages are often perceived by the public in general negative , angry and mostly childish. Often overlooked are the positive attempts has made to better the world in which we live rather then beat the hell out of it for not being the way we want. Many bands have strong political feelings on nearly every subject that the politicians of our country speak of. Using their music as a way to raise awareness of theirr fans on topics such as racism, tolerance of same sex couples, and sexually transmitted diseases