Bad news from Sony


Sep 27, 2006
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The good parts you guys don't know because you're all horrible informed.

1) Sony released a statement about a year ago saying that the PS3 would be so good they wouldn't have to 'upgrade' or 'make a new one' within the next decade, and essentially until we figured out a good way to make VR a possibility.

2) They also released a statement around that time saying that the price of the PS3 would likely not drop for at least 5 years.

3) The PS3 will be expensive, but it will be worth it. Period.

The bad parts you probably don't know because you're all horrible informed.

1) The PS3 has been overheating in tech demos. Reports of this got out and Sonys overall stock dropped nearly 3%. Or 3 points. Can't remember.

2) They've lost many upon many of their exclusives because the developers don't feel that it will be worth it to stay with just Sony. Why is this bad? Because the reasons to get a PS3 were essentially for the exclusives. Else you'de just get a Wii and 360.

3) Sony is following the Sega pattern very closely. Two consoles that were groundbreaking and top of the line followed by one that was ahead of its time which doomed them. Make no mistake, it will happen. The Playstation 3 WILL fail just like the Dreamcast did almost 10 years ago.


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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^Dumbass alert. Won't even bother replying.

@Root: So you like getting milked? OK buddy. I like PlayStation consoles more than the others. Best games, lots of third party support. What's not to like? Oh right, you prefer consoles that have game droughts for 2 years and only has 2-3 good games(rehashes i.e . Mario, Zelda, Metroid) in it. :cool:

Edit: Who the fawk are you anyway?

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Zelda > PS3

gamecube or Wii it doesnt ****ing matter, Zelda is one of the greatest franchises ever created.


Besides, the Gamecube had a few good games the super user enjoyed immensely. Did you even look at a list of GC games, Reign?


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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ReiGn. I only require three words to prove you wrong.

Wii Mana Support
So that's one. Not even an original IP. anything else?

Yeah i saw the GC list. It looked something like this:

2001: SSBM
2002: Metroid, Sunshine
Q1 2003: Zelda



............2005: RE4, which is multiplat
2006: Zelda, multiplat.

What am i missing again?

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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GC First party:
* Animal Crossing
* Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
* Donkey Konga
* F-Zero GX
* Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
* Luigi's Mansion
* Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
* Mario Party series
* Metroid Prime
* Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
* Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
* Pikmin
* Pikmin 2
* Pokémon Colosseum
* Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
* Super Mario Sunshine
* Super Smash Bros. Melee
* The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
* The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
* The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
* Wave Race: Blue Storm

Second and third
* EA Sports games (Electronic Arts)
* Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Silicon Knights)
* F-Zero GX (from Sega, based on Nintendo's own game properties)
* Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (Square Enix)
* Ikaruga (Treasure, published by Atari)
* Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, a collaborative enhanced remake between Konami and then-second-party to Nintendo, Silicon Knights
* Resident Evil series (Capcom)
o Resident Evil Zero
o Resident Evil (enhanced remake)
o Resident Evil 4
* Killer 7 (Capcom)
* Skies of Arcadia Legends (Sega)
* Soul Calibur 2 (Namco)
* Sonic the Hedgehog series (Sega and Sonic Team)
o Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
o Sonic Mega Collection
* Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series (Factor 5)
* Star Fox: Assault (from Namco, based on Nintendo's own game properties)
* Super Monkey Ball series (Sega)
* Tales of Symphonia (Namco)
* Baten Kaitos series (Namco)
* Viewtiful Joe series (Capcom)
* Wario World

It's almost impossible to argue with someone who has sony's dick so far down it's throat. Seriously I still can't beleive I read the line "Red steel plays like shit, but Gears of War IS really fun" or something like that when neither game has actualy been released, and how terrible every game for the wii is when neither the system has been released, or any game has been available for you to play.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
I suppose the 34 games I currently own, planning on making it 35+ within the next year or two, is just a fluke? Maybe I'm just an unsuspecting consumer who doesn't care about an actually good game? Let me review... Nope. I can't stand a poorly written game. I'll admit that I do own a few ports from older systems, like Evolution World and Skies of Arcadia, but they are games that, otherwise, I cannot own due to my "not going to own anything but Nintendo" attitude I had up until, oh, 2002. At which point I discovered that fanboyism was gay and gave it up. Now I own whatever system has an offering of games I like. With X-Box finally down to 110 USD, I may be picking one up soon. I just think paying 150 USD for a system and two used games is a bit hard to swallow.

Oh. I also own a PS2 and 32 of it's games. I'm planning on having 35+ PS2 titles within the next year or two. I also plan on buying certain PS3 games before I even own the sytem simply because I'm 79% certain I'm buying it before the 360, due to library interst, and the fact that I want the 600 USD sytem AFTER bugs are worked out and it sees some price drops. Now. You want to give me an actual arguement, or shall I proceed in tearing the other arguements appart? If you choose the latter, read on. If the former, just go ahead and post it.

Sorry, but the 360 is the primary development platform for next gen games. Where do you get your numbers? And next gen development costs aren't as expensive as Nintendo would like you to believe. Gears of War costs only $10 mil and that game looks and plays awesome. Red Steel is just a $12 mil garbage light gun game that looks and plays like shit.
How is the 360 the "primary development platform for next gen games"? Is it because it just so happens to be the only console currently on the market? If so, that's rich. My numbers come from Fatsume (sp?) market research which has polled all Japanese developer teams. Yes. Only the Japanese. It is a Japanese research team, afterall. According to the Japanese developers, 67% are most excited about developing for the Wii with only 8% saying they are most excited abou the 360. I'll go into more detail later.

Gears of War is a garbage game. Oh! It looks pretty! Pa-lease. Halo looked pretty, and it was a garbage game. I still don't like the control interface for the 360, but that won't stop me from enjoying any good games that I happen to find. I'm hoping Namco and SquarEnix support will change the course of the 360 for me, but I won't hold my breath. You also can't speak for Red Steel. It's obvious you haven't been paying attention to every single review that has come out since TGS. You know what they said? After Ubisoft said that the game wasn't in it's market release form, even at TGS, fans and critics alike were saying that the game plays a whole lot better than it was at E3. They admitted it was still a little difficult and slow to respond, but the vast difference has them wetted with anticipation for the final product. Oh wait. You want to judge based on accounts at one event rather than talk about it down the road or market release.

Polls say that 67% or whatever shows that devs are interested in developing for the Wii, but where are the games? All i see is last gen ports and maybe 1 or 2 original titles (Heroes, Elebits) from 3rd parties. 360 is getting great support from both japanese and western companies. 360 is getting Infinite Undiscovery from Tri-Ace, Trusty Bell from Namco, Lost Oddessey, Blue Dragon and Cry On from Mistwalker, Project Slyphead from Square, Phantasy Star Universe from Sega, Dead Rising and Lost Planet from Capcom, etc. What is Wii getting? Last gen ports? party games? 2 player racing games(lmfao excite truck)? With the myriad of ports and shovelware games for the Wii it's hard to tell whether devs are really serious about the Wii.

I can name tons of original IP's and even multiplats for the 360 and PS3. Can you name some for the Wii?
Don't even try to pull this garbage here! You go to IGN. You go to GameSpot. You go to GameStop. You go to GameFAQs. You go anywhere on the freakin' Internet, and you see game after game after game being announced for the Wii! There are as many, if not more, new and original titles that have been announced and confirmed for the Wii than any of the other systems.

I also never said the 360 wasn't getting support! Read my statements before you make a fool out of yoruself! I said that 8% of the developers were most excited about the 360! Where as most, if not all, developers are supporting it in some way, they are more excited about the Wii and PS3! Read! Read! Read! Read! Read! I'm not making this hard!

I can easily name a great magnitude of games for the Wii. It doesn't take much time, practice, or patience. It does, however, require actually going out and checking up on some details. SquarEnix has talked at least three games for the Wii, and they are excited about adding some more. Crystal Chronicles was a great game, and the Wii version will be better with the online play. Mana is going to be online. Not a port, but an original game! Draqon Quest is going to be a launch title, probably an appetizer for their games to come and nothing more (aka: release fodder). With thirty release titles, you can only think of two? Pa-lease!

How can you even defend Nintendo after slapping you in the face with a $250 price tag with that machine? While both Sony and Microsoft are losing money from their systems Nintendo is ripping you off by giving you a turbocube with a $60 remote and ports. Hell for $50 more you can get a real next gen experience. PS3/360 might be $400/$500 but at least i get what i'm paying for.
How can I defend them? Simple. In Japan, they are making, approximately, $50/unit profit where as in the US it's only $75/unit profit with game, controller, and nunchuck included. Sony and Microsoft are losing money and forcing games that are normally only $25/unit profit into the astounding $35-45/unit profit range. Nintendo is reducing bottom-line for developers where Microsoft and Sony are increasing. Now. Developers are not forced to use all of either systems maximum potential as that would be far, far too expensive (as developers have stated time and time again). If I buy either the 360 or PS3, I won't be getting what I pay for for one, simple reason. Their customer service reaks; though, Microsoft has improved theirs with Mr. Moore at the helm. I'm looking at the PSP and immediate 360 responses to see where loyalty should lie with them. I want a PSP, but I'm waiting for more than the one game I want and for another pricedrop or two.

Will you people stop with this Wii60 bullshit already, How much is the 360 selling in Europe right now? Europeans already want to import after hearing the delay. Europeans care about Soccer games and Gran Turismo. Not Wii Sports. Real games get people excited. Hell, Sony just showed White Knight and people are already preordering like crazy.
Why should I stop telling you about what Mr. Moore (the face of Microsoft) is preaching the Wii60 concept as the way for them to beat the PS3?

I'm also going to stuff this in your face. Pro Evolution Soccer is coming to the Wii. Oh wait... You seem to be of the opinion that no developer wants to make a new or original or multi-plat game for the Wii. Pa-lease.

Europeans, according to every single website I've read, are in an uproar about Sony slamming them with delays. They are upset, and they are turning to alternatives. With developers desperate to penetrate that market, do you think they are going to stand idly by and wait for further delays from Sony? We saw it with the PSP, and, surprise, we're seeing it again. I did not say that the PS3 would not sell in Europe! I said gamers are disgruntled with Sony for yet another slap in the face!

Square isn't bringing FF anywhere. They made the White Engine specifically for the PS3. Sony isn't going to lose developer support. Heard that RE5 is gonnna be PS3 exclusive? How about Ninja Gaiden coming to PS3?

When did I say Sony lost developer support?! I said the lost "whole-sale" or exclusive support from every single company that used to be "whole-sale" Sony! SquarEnix is developing for the Wii and 360. Yes they are making PS3 games, but they are making for other sytems now when they used to be a one-trick pony. As for Resident Evil, Sony's getting a sequel where Nintendo's getting a whole new, and original, game. It's RE, but it's not numbered. I really don't care, though. As for Ninja Gaiden... Haven't, personally, cared in a really long time. The game play mechanics just...ick. I don't know. I guess they and me don't get along too well.

Your blind faith in Nintendo is a lot funnier, i don't get how you can pay $250 for an overclocked gamecube.
What a tried and idiotic arguement from the Sony anti-Nintendo fanboy community. Want to do research, or shall I school you?

First of all, IBM has come out and stated that the Wii processor has similar architecture, but is on a completely different level from the GameCube. It's capable of far more intereactions and processes than the GameCube version, and they've come out to state that they will use technology developed in making the Wii chip to make improvements to the 360. Hey! Guess what that means? Less of a heating issue with that big ol' system! Less, but not eliminated yet...

BioShock shits on anything announced for Wii. Ask someone who isn't a Wiitard and they will agree. Resistance surely is better than Red Steel, 40 online multiplayer > 4 player split screen? lmfao. MotorStorm takes big wet dumps on "Excite" Truck. Again, 16 player online multi > 2(lmao) player split screen. Mind you these games not only excel in online elements but in gameplay mechanics as well. Like Heavenly Sword, thousands of enemies on screen each with their own animations, seemless chainable combos with 3 different stances to choose from that you can switch on the fly. What can you compare it with? Project hammer?
Let me inform you on some dealings with the Wii since you are so obviously misinformed. Ubisoft has come out to say that Red Steel will not be online at launch because the whole online play thing, for third party developers at least, hasn't been worked out yet. That does not mean that Red Steel will remain offline. It might; it might not. The fact is that the game play mechanics have improved so much from E3 to TGS that critics are wetting themselves in anticipation. People who used to say that Red Steel would bite the big one have gotten to play the newest demo version and say, "Wow!" Ubisoft even came out and said it wasn't the final, market version of the game!

I'll also point out that Excite Truck has a lot of people excited, especially after hearing reviews from gamers who actually played it at E3 and TGS.

The reason the Wii games like Red Steel and Excite Truck out perform other games of similar genres is because the control interface is so much easier to use. You can sure as anything bet that if Nintendo sees enough letters concerning online play for Excite Truck and other games they will find a way to add it on, via patch or something like. That's what WiiConnect24 is for! They've stated that free updates to games will come down the pipes and directly to players. This might mean that, for now, certain games that should have an online element won't...but that doesn't mean that they won't in the future.

360 has by far the best lineup for 2007. Banjo Kazooie alone is enough to prove that.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl > 360

In all seriousness, you have proven that you haven't even taken a gander at the lineup of games on, at least, the Wii.

You gaggots have been so into waggling your wiis you forgot other "real" gameplay mechanincs that make games more fun and replayable.
:rolleyes When did I say that other systems would be less fun to play? Just because the Wii has me most excited (gasp! excited, not enthralled) doesn't mean I won't play other systems. "real" gameplay mechanics are what you make them, and the Wii will have an extra punch because, and get this, you'll get to play it how you want. Developers are even given the option of going ahead and using the NGC controller for games if they so desire! Just because they are most hyped about their Wiimote titles doesn't mean they won't have NGC controller titles.

Oh and, have you seen RE5? Think it can run on Wii? You'll be getting a spin off sadly, like what Square is giving you, An FF spin off game(CC). What else are you getting from SE again.........? Like i said, feel free to name some original IP's, hell even ports will do just so you can say anything.
It's only a spin-off if it has no thought put into it. The RE coming to the Wii is going to be a new and original title. CAPCOM has even stated that they are working hard as to not disappoint fans. That doesn't sound like a cheap knock-off.

Have you even played CC? Have you even seen the previews for CC Wii? I've already stated, several times that you seem to forget, that the Wii is getting at least three, original titles from SE. One is, admitedly, release fodder and likely to only be appetizer material (DQ). Howeve, SE is in heavy talks with Nintendo about more titles, from new Wii to retro VC.

@Root: So you like getting milked? OK buddy. I like PlayStation consoles more than the others. Best games, lots of third party support. What's not to like? Oh right, you prefer consoles that have game droughts for 2 years and only has 2-3 good games(rehashes i.e . Mario, Zelda, Metroid) in it.
I highlighed ignorance, there. I'll direct your attention to the 34 games I currently own for the NGC and kindly ask you to do more research. That's more than a few good games and definately attests to no "years" of dry-spells. That's right. You forgot that Tales of Symphonia is a great third-party game. You forgot that Soul Calibur II sold best on the GameCube due to exclusive Link character, and it is another third-party game. You also have Baten Kaitos! Those two games are great! At least once you actually play them rather than sit on the sidelines, like you likely do, and call them gay for trying something fun.

One Last Note: Pan. What's the deal with the stars and zeros? Also. Is SF:Assault actually good?


Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
Don't flame. ;O)

^Dumbass alert. Won't even bother replying.

@Root: So you like getting milked? OK buddy. I like PlayStation consoles more than the others. Best games, lots of third party support. What's not to like? Oh right, you prefer consoles that have game droughts for 2 years and only has 2-3 good games(rehashes i.e . Mario, Zelda, Metroid) in it. :cool:

Edit: Who the fawk are you anyway?

Those are all facts kid. Well, except the one about it going the way of Dreamcast.

Everything else is official and thrown into press releases and conferences. It's not my fault I give you facts and you can't deal with them because you're a blind xbot.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
He's not blind nor an xbot. He's a PlayStation fan that has proven, time and again, that he doesn't keep up with all the news as efficiently as some ;) I do tend to get annoyed when he tries to just throw stuff out there or claim that my research is false, but that's beside the point.

I don't think the PS3 will go the way of the DreamCast. One. Sony's too rich for that. Despite some massive set-backs and stock decreases, they still post a massive profit. Nill from PSP console or game sales, but a ton from electronics and PS2 console and game sales. Two. Even if European gamers are disgruntled, they're still going to gobble up the consoles [when available] like it was blueberry pie.

Nobody will dispute that the PS3 will be sold-out for months to come, but people are rather perterbed at the lackluster (and monumentally low) availability. With the number of consoles they are hoping to have available by March 2007, it should be easier for them to catch up to 360 numbers. At the same time, none of us really know 360 numbers. Microsoft is in the practice of releasing units shipped and never units sold.

All in all, Sony plans to have 4 million PS3 units shipped by March'07. Microsoft plans to have 7-8 million 360 units shipped by March'07. Nintendo plans to have 9 million Wii units shipped by March'07; though, analists are saying the realistic number is likely higher with the 9 million being the likely units sold (ala: NDS).

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Sony does the same thing. 20 million PSP units have been shipped. This is misleading at first glance, because 20 million has not been sold, as opposed to the DS who has sold 21 million units.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
True. I think, however, you can find reports on how many PSP units have been sold, and I think that number is 16 million. With the X-Box or 360, I can't find any reports before Microsoft, somehow, snuffs them out.


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Don't flame. ;O)

Dumbass alert? Those are all facts kid. Well, except the one about it going the way of Dreamcast.

Everything else is official and thrown into press releases and conferences. It's not my fault I give you facts and you can't deal with them because you're a blind xbot.
1. NES and SNES was more successful than the Master System and Genesis. If anything it's Nintendo that's close to retirement. Or the 360.

2. Sony has sold over 200+ million consoles, if you still think they're "going the way of the dreamcast" then you're a fucking dumbass

3. They're not just a Console company. Like MS, they have other buisiness sectors other than their home entertainment division. Nintendo doesn't.

@ Bam: Heard about the news that Sunlight affects the Wiimote? Apperently Wii kiosks were completely shut down because of this.

Oh and if anything i'm more informed about current gaming news than you are :hxc

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Genesis at one point had captured 60% of the console market away from Nintendo. Master system is still being produced in Brazil.

Sony has not sold 200 million, they have shipped 200 million. Big difference.


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Genesis at one point had captured 60% of the console market away from Nintendo. Master system is still being produced in Brazil.

Sony has not sold 200 million, they have shipped 200 million. Big difference.
It's sold. 100 mil by march 2005 for PS1 and close to 98mil PS2 units by March 2006. Not a big difference at all.

Who the fawk edited my post :-/

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Sony doesnt release sales figures, they released that they shipped 100 million units in march '05, not the sale of 100million


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
You haven't read my post(s) in the Nintendo section :rolleyes I also read articles on all consoles and handhelds on, at least, a daily basis. Besides, the sunlight issue was spoken of as direct sunlight upon the sensors. Ha-duh. I could have said that would be a problem from, oh say, E3.


Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
1. NES and SNES was more successful than the Master System and Genesis. If anything it's Nintendo that's close to retirement. Or the 360.
What the **** are you talking about?

2. Sony has sold over 200+ million consoles, if you still think they're "going the way of the dreamcast" then you're a fucking dumbass
I didn't say Sony was going the way of the Dreamcast, I said the PS3 will. It will be ahead of it's time, sell well, but ultimatily fail due to bad gaming support and no good exclusives as a worldwide whole.

3. They're not just a Console company. Like MS, they have other buisiness sectors other than their home entertainment division. Nintendo doesn't.
Who's saying they arn't? WHy do you keep brining Nintendo into this? Nintendo has said they arn't going to get into the Console war and that they're just going to make new products with new ideas.

@ Bam: Heard about the news that Sunlight affects the Wiimote? Apperently Wii kiosks were completely shut down because of this.
Good thing no ones going to put their Wiistations outside. Please tell me you really arnt this stupid.
Oh and if anything i'm more informed about current gaming news than you are :hxc
Trust me, you arn't. Not even close.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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How the hell is a company that has sold 150+ gameboys, and who has effectively sold more portable N64's then portable PS2 going to retire?

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