Its stupid, I mean if you are seen with a knife outside school, or you drop something and it explodes. Ok empty you're pockets now! Random searches and see-through bags is ****ing paranoid.
If you're carrying a weapon 9/10 times its on you, in you're pocket ect. So whats the point of randomly searching through belongings if you're never going to find anything, its a voilation of personal privacy, with little or any reward and the cost of doing all of this? Time and most likely money.
If you had something private in there, a diary, or porn ect. I know knowing that teachers are going through you're bags is pretty concerning, but imagine if the contents of you're bag or locker being brought up the next day in class, I don't know about you but I would be pissed off.
What exactly are school kids going to do, I mean once every blue moon (in britain where there is no shitty searching scheme) you see on the news that a accident has happened in a school somewhere but the weapon wasn't lieing idle in the bag was it?
In these cases the person with the weapon had it on them all day. Random searches just aren't needed, the only time I saw a bag search is when some guy let off some fart gas (I know its stupid but it was clearly that crap in the can) he got sent out he got his bag look through nothing was found the class went up into a uproar because miss said that noone would go home until someone owned up. The person owned up, the can was taken and we continued.
Well, now pupils will just hide things better, and if there wasn't a rule like that, the very occaisonal warranted search might find something.