Premium Member
Ya Z-Man... saying you've owned ST and Ryan is not much... I can beat them and I suck, well I was able to back in the day. When I get it we should start those good ol FFA's
You had nydus canal in the mainland?Well, I played with ntrik and swordtip tonight, on lost temple. T'was a FFA. Swordtip deserve a mention for losing the 8 carriers he toke 20 minutes to build in merely 12 secondes. Ntrik deserve a very special mention for going from a handfull of probes and no bases to a carrier group that kicked my lazy ass. And I swear Ntrik, that one dark templar you left on hold between your base and my nydus canal won you the game. You didnt noticed it, but you won because of that one dark templar.
It was very epic though, so I dont mind losing.