Nothing special
I never really noticed the dot...
It's a ****tyass broken forum that is losing more and more members every day, and at this rate will NEVER come back from the hell that it's in right now. Max hasn't done **** lately and will use some excuse of "being really slammed" with life, but honestly, it takes less than 30 minutes to type out a response about the General Managers, so on and so forth which he promised would happen on the 26. 29th and still no word from him. Also, get your head out of your ass, and get off your pedastal and quit acting like just because you're a goldtag you're better than us. You arn't, you reallly reallllllly arn't, and it's proven by your time and time again at letting Cheeze bother you, or bringing up the Mike owning you, or all your constant stupid posting like "Garydos is bad at special attack so it wouldn't do much dmg to nidoking but my nidoking uses thunder which is triple effect and kills your garydos in one hit". Enough is enough man, seriously.Ok I have had enough of your downright complaining against me. I tried to warn you, I tried to have some fairity, but you went too far.
You have just gotten all PMSy because I moved a bunch of your flaming posts that were targeting either me, another member, or you were just being plain off topic.
Quite frankly, you should've learned to treat people with dignity and respect, and learned to follow the rules. If you had a dispute with me, you should have kept it inside the Void. But you didn't.
Yes, I agree. Gyarados is better than Nidoking.*It's a ****tyass broken forum that is losing more and more members every day, and at this rate will NEVER come back from the hell that it's in right now. Max hasn't done **** lately and will use some excuse of "being really slammed" with life, but honestly, it takes less than 30 minutes to type out a response about the General Managers, so on and so forth which he promised would happen on the 26. 29th and still no word from him. Also, get your head out of your ass, and get off your pedastal and quit acting like just because you're a goldtag you're better than us. You arn't, you reallly reallllllly arn't, and it's proven by your time and time again at letting Cheeze bother you, or bringing up the Mike owning you, or all your constant stupid posting like "Garydos is bad at special attack so it wouldn't do much dmg to nidoking but my nidoking uses thunder which is triple effect and kills your garydos in one hit". Enough is enough man, seriously.
ill drink to thathaha i love this place
Yes. Just tested it nowDoes it still exist?*
n00b .I'd quote you for absolute truth, but there's that nasty 10 character rule.
Pink represents my anger and hatred of this place.Whenever Ben posts in pink it seems like he turns into a sadistic *****. WHAT GIVES?
I deleted members who have not activated their account. All they were doing was padding the member count.I would just like to point out the fact that BF has NEVER had this bad of activity when it was up and running, ever. And you guys all praise Max for "restoring this site" and get excited when random members pop up and post.
I don't break rules. Ever.n00b .