Anger problems

Jim Morrison

Premium Member
Jul 11, 2003
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how we act on this forum isn't who we are in real life.. life isnt just a bunch of text we read ya know? theres human interaction involved.. im sure were all different


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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i know that thats why i said how she projects herself here.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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I used to go to therapy for anger management, and it's the greatest money I've ever spent in my life.

Go see a professional, nothing else will help you imo, but after the first few meetings with a shrink or a equal person you'll start to feel a LOT better about yourself.
If you're an example of how well anger management works..I think Static is unfortunatly doomed.

Metal Gear Flash

Oct 26, 2002
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Lone Star State
if you dont have money for therapy go to petco and buy some feeder mice and watch a snake eat them, or buy two tarantulas and make them fight to the releases tons of stress for me

Jim Morrison

Premium Member
Jul 11, 2003
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weed still helps me when i get stressed out.. that and just thinking that im alive and i have control over my actions, i can make the best or the worst of life.. and always thinking about the wack things in life isn't making the best.

but im not you im sure you have more shit to worry about.. but just keep your head up you only get one life


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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you could try bodybuilding, getting a hobby, going to see a therapist like you should have done.

you are an adult static, or at least, i think you are. if you are an adult you should start coming to terms with life and taking responsibility for yourself. cutting yourself, going around like an angry maniac, breaking guitars...BREAKING GUITARS?! WTF?!

depends on how YOU want to live static. wanna make something of yourself?

torrid mind

Diablo Forum ******
May 17, 2003
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under the sea
Life does indeed suck. And really, there is no point. I guess we just make the best out of it and try to better ourselves.
I don't personally have any anger issues, but I have had "friends" like that before. I went to baptist school and so much like you, I have the personality of a christian. I have been used as well and it does make you feel like a piece of crap. Why do I let people do this to me? I don't really know. On one level I think "fuck it, it's just money, drugs, whatever apparently they think they need it more than I do" I try to be compassionate, and it's really shity when people act like dicks after you were kind to them. Really it shows a lack of character on their part and there is no use in beating yourself up about it. Basically I just dropped those people. I want to surround myself with people who love me for who I am, not what I have to offer them.
It is hard for me to tell people who I may have once called friends, to fuck off. Once I did I felt better about myself, I guess empowered might be the word....
I feel like I am more angry these days, but I guess I just remind myself that it's pretty much a wasted emotion. Not to long from now you will forget what exactly set you off. Not much longer after that you may forget ever getting angry.
I guess in general I'm just an optimist.
As for the rest, just try to eat. Low blood sugar is terrible for my temper.
Try to relax and take life as it comes.
Are you able to move? Perhaps you want to find a new second job? Maybe a few adjustments in your life will help. Helps me anyway, I move allot. Another thing I do when I feel life is pointless, stupid, and dull, is I do character cut ups.
Its pretty fun and brightens me up.
Basically the point is to shake you up. Step outside your box and experience different things you may not have normally.
Make two lists, one of things that boar you and another of things that terrify you. Now try to combine them. For example if classes boar you, and you are terrified of public speaking, perhaps you would prepare a lecture and recite it in public space. Of course they don't all have to be as crazy as that, but the point is to break from routine and meet people, make stuff, do things, whatever.
Sometimes I sing loudly on the bus, sometimes my friend brings his guitar. Sometimes people love it, sometimes people demand to be let off the bus RIGHT NOW. I don't need those people to like my singing, but I do need my life to be fun.

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