Anger problems


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
I have some serious anger issues and I believe it is actually started to make me crazy. My anger doesn't just rest with bad people anymore.

I hate myself more than anything in the world, plus I hate all of my friends for treating me the way they do, I hate when good things happen to others.

Now i don't excactly know where I want this disscussion to be taken but I am getting scared.

I haven't showered in 2 plus weeks, ashamed to say, I eat a brunch-sized snack every other day. Sleeping sparatically... that alone has put me into a state of constant haze from malnurishment and dehydration from my Labor job.

Now it used to be where I was able to take some breaths and calm it down, but now it is unbrideled anger where action needs to be taken.... so what do I do, I cut myself. Surprisingly I always thought people that did that were insanely stupid, it helps a great deal.

But mainly I fear what will happen. Anyone had anger problems or know people with them?

In the past 2 weeks I have broken remotes, ashtrays, my guitar, and a cd here or there.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Umm..get some therapy? Not may help.

Barney Stinson

Suit up
Jun 9, 2003
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I used to go to therapy for anger management, and it's the greatest money I've ever spent in my life.

Go see a professional, nothing else will help you imo, but after the first few meetings with a shrink or a equal person you'll start to feel a LOT better about yourself.


Premium Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Really if you dont want to go crazy.. your going to need to eat more than just a brunch sized snack every few days this may be partially whats making you crazy/anger(I dont mean crazy in a bad way) you need nurishment for your body to function correctly although i have no idea how your getting through your labor job with little to no food. Try to keep yourself on a steady sleep schedule, I am thinking by what your saying from your post is a form of depression/anxiety. The eating problem whether if it is a problem or a choice and the sleeping problem whether it is also a problem or choice can be caused by depression/anxiety. just try to Eat and sleep in good intervals and you will start feeling a lot better trust me. And if these things are deemed impossible See a Doctor right away.

Jim Morrison

Premium Member
Jul 11, 2003
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dog why even get mad? nobody thinks your thoughts but you where is past? it's just thoughts in your head, nobody elses.. just be happy to be alive mannnnnnnnn you know this

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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is ....listed
May 24, 2003
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I have some serious anger issues and I believe it is actually started to make me crazy. My anger doesn't just rest with bad people anymore.

I hate myself more than anything in the world, plus I hate all of my friends for treating me the way they do, I hate when good things happen to others.

Now i don't excactly know where I want this disscussion to be taken but I am getting scared.

I haven't showered in 2 plus weeks, ashamed to say, I eat a brunch-sized snack every other day. Sleeping sparatically... that alone has put me into a state of constant haze from malnurishment and dehydration from my Labor job.

Now it used to be where I was able to take some breaths and calm it down, but now it is unbrideled anger where action needs to be taken.... so what do I do, I cut myself. Surprisingly I always thought people that did that were insanely stupid, it helps a great deal.

But mainly I fear what will happen. Anyone had anger problems or know people with them?

In the past 2 weeks I have broken remotes, ashtrays, my guitar, and a cd here or there.
It could be the result of karma.


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
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Raleigh, NC
The guy's father just died in his arms, I would guess thats the reason for all of this.

Can't let it get to you static, get a shower, a decent meal and some sleep and try to put your mind on something else.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
It could be the result of karma.
Karma.... The way of the universe. Impossible, unless this is from a past life.

I am a very very easy going guy. I have no religion but was raised as a catholic, going to catholic school for 8 years (no I didn't get touched). That instilled the personallity of a christian. I share what I have, I do more for others than myself, and I will usually go out of my way when a friend asks.

Saying that, that is where anger towards myself comes from. I lend friends money and they just basically tell me to fuck off with their actions. This infuriates me but I am not an outwardly violent person, but my thoughts are incredibly morbid and violent and since I don't let it out it just festers. The feeling of being abused and used by all of my "friends" creats this mealstrom of anger that I can quite litterally feel bubble in my stomach when I have an anger attack.

I used to go to therapy for anger management, and it's the greatest money I've ever spent in my life.

Go see a professional, nothing else will help you imo, but after the first few meetings with a shrink or a equal person you'll start to feel a LOT better about yourself.
What do you mean by equal?
troik said:
Really if you dont want to go crazy.. your going to need to eat more than just a brunch sized snack every few days this may be partially whats making you crazy/anger(I dont mean crazy in a bad way) you need nurishment for your body to function correctly although i have no idea how your getting through your labor job with little to no food. Try to keep yourself on a steady sleep schedule, I am thinking by what your saying from your post is a form of depression/anxiety. The eating problem whether if it is a problem or a choice and the sleeping problem whether it is also a problem or choice can be caused by depression/anxiety. just try to Eat and sleep in good intervals and you will start feeling a lot better trust me. And if these things are deemed impossible See a Doctor right away.
I am a diagnosed Bipolar /manic depressive.

Most of my depression now-a-days comes from a feeling of.... um. Futuristic uselessness... Now what that means to me is everyday I am alive I fear the days to come. Example the things I strive for today and tomorrow will be meaningless weeks down the road.

Now on a big picture I am looking at the economy. Now I work at UPS in the morning and a Gas station at night in a town with an already high crime rate. a Gas station that I already had a knife held to my throat. What happens a year or two down the road when times really get hard? They might come in blastin and there I go.

I am not too sure where I am going with all this but I stress out about everything, things in my control, things that aren't....

Its really really hard.


Premium Member
Feb 26, 2004
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I am a diagnosed Bipolar /manic depressive.

Most of my depression now-a-days comes from a feeling of.... um. Futuristic uselessness... Now what that means to me is everyday I am alive I fear the days to come. Example the things I strive for today and tomorrow will be meaningless weeks down the road.

Now on a big picture I am looking at the economy. Now I work at UPS in the morning and a Gas station at night in a town with an already high crime rate. a Gas station that I already had a knife held to my throat. What happens a year or two down the road when times really get hard? They might come in blastin and there I go.

I am not too sure where I am going with all this but I stress out about everything, things in my control, things that aren't....

Its really really hard.
When you were diagnosed with Bi-polar did they ask you if you would accept taking any pills? Lithium ect...? because those might help. This may be stupid but if it were me I would get some of that good old fashioned marijuana smoke some get some munchies go to sleep. Though depending on the person marijuana may worsen the depression part :/ :p


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
its funny because weed what was keeping me on the level... but its what people abused me the most with. I have no friends. I only have people who want whats mine. Want to smoke my weed, want to watch my tv, want to take my money.


Гражданин СССР
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
Karma.... The way of the universe. Impossible, unless this is from a past life.

I am a very very easy going guy. I have no religion but was raised as a catholic, going to catholic school for 8 years (no I didn't get touched). That instilled the personallity of a christian. I share what I have, I do more for others than myself, and I will usually go out of my way when a friend asks.

Saying that, that is where anger towards myself comes from. I lend friends money and they just basically tell me to fuck off with their actions. This infuriates me but I am not an outwardly violent person, but my thoughts are incredibly morbid and violent and since I don't let it out it just festers. The feeling of being abused and used by all of my "friends" creats this mealstrom of anger that I can quite litterally feel bubble in my stomach when I have an anger attack.
Rule number 1 of friendship: If you loan your friends money, 90% of the time they will no longer be your friends because they don't want to pay up.

What you do is kick their ass to get your money back and find new friends. No reason you should be treated like shit by those parasites.

And the showers, i have bassically given up on everything except work. And The showers, i just don't feel like it.
Well you'll have to force yourself into a healthy daily routine at some point to get out of this, sooner the better.

Jim Morrison

Premium Member
Jul 11, 2003
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tell your friends how you feel


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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wow static u described my past life. I can honestly tell you I went threw the exact same thing as your going threw now. I know the feelings. I still fight inner depression but I don't show it and control it moderatly.One thing man is don't loose yourself like I did. I went so far down hiding my pain behind drugs and my fake friends. There not your friends...your right they only hanging with you because of your weed tv ect it was the same with me. Soon as I quit smoking bam everyone disapeared. This is weird coming from me but quiting drugs and getting away from the crowd is what really turned my life around. You gotta get away from that shit man if you want to become something in the future. I joined the military and I can't imagine why I never done it years ago before having been robbed, jumped, thrown out of apts, ect running the drug game. I realized that people in majority are complete shit... there's alot of prime examples right here in the forums... mike jenny ect, but by getting away from the drugs I found my true friends.

If your not going to college or working toward a particular goal join the service man. Its not bad at all lots of money free shit and a fuck ton of respect. Thats what built my confidence back up. Me and some friend went in on the buddy system and we are having a blast now man. So many opportunites. But I guess my main point is plz dear god don't do what I did. I have some many regrets now it haunts me in my sleep. The shit I've done to people and myself.

Just sit down and think what do you want in life and how can you reach that goal. Fuck friends, g/fs being popular ect thats all shit you don't need to worry about.


Premium Member
Feb 26, 2004
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its funny because weed what was keeping me on the level... but its what people abused me the most with. I have no friends. I only have people who want whats mine. Want to smoke my weed, want to watch my tv, want to take my money.
dude fuck those people. If you feelin bad that you have no friends fuck it dude just try not to give a damn about anything but yourself. try to be happy ur fuckin alive bro and you have weed and money. and makes some new friends who arent just worthless mooches and shit.


is ....listed
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
wow static u described my past life. I can honestly tell you I went threw the exact same thing as your going threw now. I know the feelings. I still fight inner depression but I don't show it and control it moderatly.One thing man is don't loose yourself like I did. I went so far down hiding my pain behind drugs and my fake friends. There not your friends...your right they only hanging with you because of your weed tv ect it was the same with me. Soon as I quit smoking bam everyone disapeared. This is weird coming from me but quiting drugs and getting away from the crowd is what really turned my life around. You gotta get away from that shit man if you want to become something in the future. I joined the military and I can't imagine why I never done it years ago before having been robbed, jumped, thrown out of apts, ect running the drug game. I realized that people in majority are complete shit... there's alot of prime examples right here in the forums... mike jenny ect, but by getting away from the drugs I found my true friends.

If your not going to college or working toward a particular goal join the service man. Its not bad at all lots of money free shit and a fuck ton of respect. Thats what built my confidence back up. Me and some friend went in on the buddy system and we are having a blast now man. So many opportunites. But I guess my main point is plz dear god don't do what I did. I have some many regrets now it haunts me in my sleep. The shit I've done to people and myself.

Just sit down and think what do you want in life and how can you reach that goal. Fuck friends, g/fs being popular ect thats all shit you don't need to worry about.
Why you crushin' on me, dawg?


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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nothing personal just the way you project yourself here it doesn't come off as a good person...but I always loved you jenny that'll never change regardless if you hate me or not :D

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