Alright DM, it's a play date! I played Master America in SC2.. same race matchup that there was when it was me vs cort (Treamet vs Protoss). I wish I had saved the replay. He owned me bad. Very bad. My "morsadon waves" didn't exactly do the trick with MA the way it did with cort.. he adapted to my interesting strategy after about 5 minutes. I had been going for the most units possible, rather than setting up a decent economy to get units continually. I teched the terran side of the Treamet tech ladder, and, well.. although I managed to kill almost all his heroes, he ended up owning me in the end. I should have gone advanced mining :-/
Then we played 3 more games. I beat him the next game (Cere vs Cere) and got him with a guardian + overlord/chain reactor combo. Very tricky strat there

But it worked. Then I played him again (Azrael vs Zerg) and he managed to stop my ungodly apocalypse :-/ Again, I got owned. The nomadic races didn't work out so well for me. For our last game (Terzer vs Terzer), I did some beautiful micro skillz

It was brutal
Granted, he had no idea how to play, those were his first games. He did really well. There might have been another game, I'm sure he'll comment, so he can mention it if there was. Of the 4 games I can remember, it was 50/50 win for loss

Very GGs, and I gotta say, he's very adaptive to sudden changes in game play