i havent seen a news thing like that befor so i wouldnt no what to do and i have vb alsoOriginally posted by TheSummit
Go to the templateeset for emerge and open the template
p_themecenterbox or p_activecenterbox (names might differ i do not have it here)
Look for {contentwidth} (or something similar) and replace that with 500.
Originally posted by Vicious101
i havent seen a news thing like that befor so i wouldnt no what to do and i have vb also
hay nice Vb skin wered you get it?
Originally posted By: coRtALoS
vBulletin provides some of the best customer support for their product, in addition to the hundreds, if not thousands of hacks they have for their products.
Along with the countless coders, and forum admins that frequent to their websites (www.vbulletin.org, www.vbulletin.com), you can also get the expertise of other webmasters that own their own vB forums if you need help.
Yes, you can get that with other forums, but as far as extensiveness, and ease of use through the Admin CP, as well as the most customizeable, through my experience vB has been the best. (Yes, I've used Invision myself, along with vB, so I have a basis for comparison).
Hence part of the reason why I'm here.