AlienWare changed it's supply line


BattleForums Senior Member
May 18, 2003
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there are like $200 AMD lower end 64 bit processors out there now. But unfortunately, AMD is probably going to drop that chipset, so if you buy the motherboard for it, you could not upgrade your processor later on.

Dont think of buying an alienware computer as just buying the parts. You are also buying the really pretty case, along with a warrenty (very nice to have) software, tested and optimised components, and a support center. You also get a full manual for your computer.

Think of it this way, if you bought all your shit online, having no clue what the parts were or if they even worked, and something failed, you'd have to buy the same part again, or get a refund. Its much faster when your under warrentee to get your computer fixed. Also, having all the parts tested on an alienware machine means they are optimized for performance.

About 64 bit processors... sure, they look good, but like alot have people have argued, there are not a whole lot of programs utilizing it. But alot of you are forgetting about the 64 bit linux. Yes there is a linux distro that is a 64 bit platform.

And about the longhorn demo... dont use it, you have to get ALL NEW drivers for every piece of your system. Unless your really hardcore and want to get it, just wait.

And your right, alienware did switch thier product line, this is because they wanted to appeal not only to gamers but to everyone. They are offering home, gaming, and buisness solutions now.


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