We decided this as a comittee and you WANT to go back on it?
It's pretty obvious this poll is stupid. Either the people who like him or don't really know what's going on with the situation will choose "No". Or the people who hate his guts and see the situation differently choose "Yes". Forum Democracy at its worst

Jenny said:
Dragnskull does nothing but troll Cheeze. TBH he should be the one banned.
Quite a number of times, its the other way around.
Professor said:
He's fine, as long as you assjacks don't come in here and start trolling him. Most of the time you guys start **** with him first, he just lets it go from thread to thread to thread to thread. Stop being a prick to him and stop trolling him (I'm looking DIRECTLY at DragnSkull, Vad and DM) and maybe he won't act like a total idiot.
Maybe so. But he snaps more easily than Laharl ever does. His idea of "revenge" tends to supercede the possible damage he may cause. For instance, he posted porn on Flea's account (although Flea didn't care) over the fact Flea quit D2 and didn't give him back items???