YAY another conformist... you wanna know some stuff about this kid that needs to die a horrible death.
Well starts like this: he lives in pa, saskatchewan, and one day he saw a friend o battleforums and was like oh hey thats kinda neat. So anyhow he joined and thought it would be funny to get known by getting flamed over something. So anyhow he didn't like getting flamed so he conformed to what every one else was saying and tried to be cool. So the truth of the matter is that "lestert21" only found out about battleforums the day he joined, so he doesn't know anything thats happened around here yet still says stupid shit to make himself look better when really their just lies.
So lestert21 or should i say "les"<------real name, plz do me a favor so i don't have to go to pa and do it myself. Ok here are the instructions.
I am assuming that since you work at canadian tire that you can drive. So go to your car turn it on, and drive it into your garage. now while its running close the garage door, get back in the car crank up the music, sit back and relax cuz my friend u be dead soon.
Thank you and have a good night you stupid little f u c ktard.