heh there's even a little message, saying something like "blizzard will NEVER ask you for your password. if someone asks you for your password, they are trying to STEAL it. do not respond to these THIEVES."
argh, the ****ing point he is trying to make is it doesn't matter if he stole someone else's account. it's still wrong to steal his. it's kinda like the argument about justice and revenge and how you define them.....
Hi....just here to say that i am a victim of popping. I fell for the old ill give u an SOJ if u let me kill u. IM SUCH A F***ing MORON!!
Anyway, just wondering why it doesnt work when you lose an item and u turn off ur com w/out saving game. Turn it back on go into account and u dont have ny of ur crap??
i got scammed before. this guy was selling occy for 1 soj he said. he showed me the occy on the trade screen then took it off.
then i put on my 1 soj and he put on something that looked like an occy (normal jarad stone!!) then press the check button. so basically, i got a jarad stone for my soj... =(
Account scammers amount to nothing more than petty thieves. Pickpockets. Anybody can trick an idiot into giving them something. But what's the fun of it?
With bots and dupes these days, it already pretty damn easy to get anything you want. Why bother fucking with other peoples accounts?
Step 1) Get someones account name with an "o" in it.
Step 2) Make a new account and replace the "o" with a zero
Step 3) Get on the account you just made and threaten the other person that you know a way to locate peoples passwords and take control over their accounts. And that the only way you can fix it is with their Password
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