A Comprehensive Comparison


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Mexico isn't all desert. There are forests there. I'm not sure where...

I'll state how Bush is completely different from Hitler, first. Then I'll wait a bit before doing Stalin and Lenin.

Bush | Hitler

Fights against terrorism | Fought to ethnically clense
Fights to dethrone tyrant | Fought to "regain lost German land"
Wants stability in Middle East | Wanted world domination
Abhors Iraqi concentration camps | Approved Nazi concentration camps
Was attacked preemptively | Attacked preemptively with blitz krieg
Leaves military decisions to military leaders | Killed military leaders for disobediance
Distinguishes Muslims from Radical Enemies | All Jews were considered radical enemies

I'd go on, but I've frankly run out of complaints that people would have to even attempt a comparison.


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Dec 23, 2003
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I'm not exagerating when I say people who compare Bush to Hitler are complete morons.
I just said a lot of people would say.
That's mostly wrong. They are negotiating with the insurgants and cooperating with US and ally forces.
Elaborate "negotiating".
What? They do/did have multiple mental disorders.
And most of them the same? Sounds like BS to me = /.
Fights to dethrone tyrant, steal oil and get revenge for dear daddy, along with other reasons | Fought to "regain lost German land"
His operation was called "oil" Operation Iraqi Liberation j/k but true. Not really a quote here.......

There are plenty of little sites that have plenty of reasons, some quite good ones. This is a bad example
Was attacked preemptively | Attacked preemptively with blitz krieg
What's that country that begins with I and America "preemtively" attacked.
President George W. Bush, like Adolf Hitler, came to power legally, but not democratically. The majority of Americans and the majority of Germans did not elect either leader. No one expected either one to rise to power.
3. Both launched unilateral, aggressive and supposedly "preemptive" wars against weaker countries. Ignoring the protests of all civilized European powers, Hitler and his henchman Mussolini invaded most of Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa. Bush and his henchman Blair are similarly off to a good start with Afghanistan and Iraq, again ignoring the protests of all civilized European powers.
. But to be fair there are also several ways in which Bush is not like Hitler:

1. Hitler rebuilt the German economy.

2. Hitler was an artist. (Bush doesn't even write his own bad poems.)

3. Hitler was not an alcoholic.

4. Hitler was a gifted speaker.
Bush is an idiot, not as cruel as Hitler but if he was any worse I don't think he would've lasted 2 minutes =/ in the more "civilised" world. Hitler and Bush have plenty of similaraties and Hitler did some things better than Bush.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
Tell me how responding to a direct attack on our country is "preemptive," and I will justify that malarky (sp?) with a response.

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