72. "were bored, lets ban 1000 random accounts" , and guess what? your number is 563.
73. "barbs stood a chance in .09, so this time around, lets just make them usless in duels, same with bowazons."
74. lo and lo. you know what i mean.
75. that noob you just killed 5 times in a row (legit, not nk) that wont stop saying "lol noob i pwn joo good"
76. you go into a duel with your newly built sorc about a week after #75 happened, and hes back again... and starts saying things the likes of "you only won because you teleport noob" when u gg him.
77. not playing diablo for a few weeks, then going back, only to realize you forogot to perm your mules, and thus, becoming poor yet again (yes, this has happened to me, and because of it, ive quit diablo)