you know , I think the problem is here that people (most of them) just doesnt wona bother playing game step by step/quest after queast and spend so much time to lvl up and use SUPED DUPER GODLY GEAR. Somehow its not about the game itself anymore, everyone just wants to look cool and kill allmost everything that gets in their way. Even in trade games its getting kinda hard to find good legit items for trade, all you can see is Buged Valors, 6 sock WFs , 4 sock SSs , ith swords , 40/15s, SUPER buged Zeph bows, Bwards , etc.
I think thats why people just doesnt wona bother playing legit and not get rushed. Cause at the end you'll spend 10 times more time to lvl up and 50 times more time to mf and get some really good legit items . Unfortunatelly at the end you'll be prety much owned by anyone who is equiped with latest ebay hakced/duped/buged shit. So you'll be just sitting there and thinking : "Why the f**k did I spent all this time , I suck anyways."
I cant even remember the ast time when I was really playing Diablo 2 with someone going spet by step and having fun from it. I'm not saying that I'm against buged/duped stuff , no . It's just that Diablo 2 becomes ebay#2 in a way.
Thats prob why Blizz doesnt wona make Diablo 3 , cause after a while it will be the same story again.
Thanks for reading . Sorry if it was too long. Feel free to flame :wavey