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Respected Member
May 19, 2003
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10. D2Hackit v 2.0 (for advanced users)

If you are new to d2hackit, you should use the old d2hackit first. This is a complete rebuild by Abinn and is much harder to use IMO. this is what he wrote:

(taken from blizzhackers.com)


D2Hackit 2.00beta Build 0921

Documentations and full source code are included for the following modules:

1, D2Hackit v2.00 beta build 0921

The beta dll, source code, and sdk files.

2, Bind 4.00

Bind.d2h, modified so it works for D2hackit 2.00+. Please do not use any earlier versions of bind.d2h with D2hackit 2.00, or you'll get a nice "big error". Basically you do not need to use this module anymore because "BYTE EXPORT OnGameKeyDown(BYTE iKeyCode);" function has been added into client implementation and will be called automatically when any key-press occur in the game. Source code included.

3, LifeSaver 1.0

Lifesaver.d2h, automatically drink/feed potions, back to town, quit game when player/merc's life/mana percents reach predefined alert points, or that player is hostiled by others. It actually does much more, please check lifesaver.txt for detailed usage. Source code included.

4, Pickit 2.0

Pickit.d2h, item picking module that works(and only works) on D2Hackit 2.00 build 0921 or higher. Alot of new features, improvements and fixes, no more worry about "Connection interrupted". See Pickit.htm for details. Source code included.

Items are treated in two kinds: valuable items(unique, set, magic, runes) and junky items(potions, gold piles, gems, others), valuable items have higher priority then junky items. Junky items will be picked only if there are no valuable items left.

Also, this module has implemented the "OnQueryModuleData" function and allows other modules to retrieve current number of items that need to be picked. To query this data, specify 1 as data ID and 0(all items) or 1(valuable items only) as lParam, buffer size shall be no smaller than 4 bytes. This allows your own bots to know whether it needs to wait(there are items need to be picked), or it can immediately move on(no more items).


Please note that this is a beta test, not a final release yet. If you want to write your own testing modules, please refer to "ClientImplementation.cpp" for a code skeleton because some module functions have been added/modified.

Please let us know the bugs and crashes you found, any comments/suggestions/flames are welcome.

Changes from 0920 -> 0921:

1, The project is now compatible to VS.net 2003. Yes.
2, Added new module Pickit 2.0.
3, Bug fixes: me->GetBeltItem, me->SellItem
4, Added/Modified: See API_Changes.txt for details.


Have fun with this great tool!

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