Zonfire Barbarian



I downloaded Zonfire last week, and I've spent quite a bit of time trying to learn to use it. Basically, I just got it to try to build ridiculously max-hacked characters to go on B-Net and hang with others who are doing it. That's kewl and all, but I have no idea what I'm doing.

I figured:
*Put all the best wearable items on.
*Magic socket the helm, armor, sword, and shield up to 7.
*Jack up all the stats as high as they'll go.
*Load-up with charms (Using my own ignorant idea of what attributes to put on them.).
*Kick everybody's butts.

Welll ... now that I've been taught humility via numerous repeated thrashings on B-Net, perhaps some of you experienced character builders could help me (?).

My favorite character is my Barbarian. He's wearing:

*Sacred Armor of Butchery
*Guardian Crown of Butchery
*Colossus Girdle of Butchery
*Ogre Gauntlets of Butchery
*Myrmidon Greaves of Butchery
*Colossal Sword of Butchery (x2)

He looks awesome, but the fact is that I was so disgusted and embarassed with his performance after many hours of loading stats into him that I dam-near deleted him after his last butt-kicking.

So please tell me, precisely, what I need to do to turn him into the "ultimate" Barb. I read some other threads here about barbs, but they were very vague. I've already stripped all of the stats off of his gear and cleared his entire inventory ... he's ready for a total overhaul ... if you will please help.


Jul 15, 2003
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Well, are you 1.10 or 1.09 playing? And remember, max isnt always good. It takes time and lots of testing to find a good character, but there is no "ultimate" character. Just keep on testing and testing. Try to make all of your stuff (like ar and defence) go as high as yuo can without making it go negative, dont put 426545454 charms on, and you will not need 7 sockets for each item, accually you will not need all items,lol.


there is no "ultimate" character. Just keep on testing and testing.
Okay, but as I had described, I literally got pummelled ... two seconds away from the bridge and *POOF*. I really need some "Barb Basics", at least to give me some basic idea of where to start. It's painfully obvious that I totally screwed-up the build, and I have no clue as to how to make it a decent barb.

Perhaps if I ask some specific questions:

*In Zonfire\Stats, I have level 99, constitutions all at 8191/8190, characteristics all at 1023/1023. Is this the correct "starting point"?

*Is the stuff that he's wearing the best stuff for a Barb? Would adding "Cruel" as the magically-enhanced prefix be better? You said he doesn't need to wear everything ... what shouldn't he wear? You said he doesn't need 7 sockets in the 4 socketable items ... how many sockets should be in each item, and what should be in the sockets? I've been using jewels with the same magic stats as the socketed item, minus "add sockets".

*What would be GOOD values to attain for Str, Dex, Vit, & Energy? Are all of the other values dependent on these 4 basics?

*My defense is at about 22,000,000 ... adding any more makes it go negative. Is this limitation being imposed due to other stats, or is this simply the "redline" for defense? What could I change to enable defense to go higher?

*Is Colossal Sword (x2) the best weapon to use? These are rated as "fast" ... should I be using swords rated as "very fast" (with lesser ratings) instead? Should I be using two swords, or would it be better to be using a sword and a shield?

*How do u keep from being immediately snuffed by Holy Shock?

Answers to those questions would help me immensely. Perhaps there is no "magical formula" for the ultimate character of any class, but answers to these questions by experienced builders would save me from wasting a lot of time trying to learn what others already know.

Thank You very much for the help already given. I am running Expansion version 1.10, on Windows XP Pro, fully updated.


Drives an Evo IX ;)
Dec 9, 2002
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Holy Shock can not be avoided, mind you. Hell, I've been hacking out my barb for a little hit now, and I just love the -nvState things, although I wish there was more...


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