Zealadin/Smiter Combo stats.


Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
St. John's, Newfoundland
So.. I've decided to make a Zealdin/Smiter combonation for the new ladder season, which for those of you who don't know already, starts Monday.

Anyways to the point.. I slapped some stats together about 10 minutes ago.. looking at what would make a great Paladin for PvM and PvP. I came up with these stats;

20 - Smite
20 - Holy Sheild
20 - Zeal
20 - Fanaticism
5 - Vigor
1- Prereqs
Rest into sacrifice (To give Zeal a little more punch.)

Obviously I'm leaning more towards PvM. I'd like some honest constructive critisism. I want to make sure that I'll be able to climb the ranks quickly on the new ladder, if theres anything I can change to make this build better please tell me.

Stats themselves are the obvious, just enough for items, just enough for max block, rest to vitality.

Thanks for any help.

Haha this is thread 900 in this forum. xP


Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
TheRealMalakai said:
20 - Smite
20 - Holy Sheild
20 - Zeal
20 - Fanaticism
5 - Vigor
1- Prereqs
Rest into sacrifice (To give Zeal a little more punch.)

I plan on doing the same thing, with an emphasis on creating a Tristam killer/PVM type smiter.

It seems to me that the points in Zeal might (or might not) be better placed somewhere else. How about at least one point each in cleansing, vigor and redemption?

Any comments on dealing with PI's? And on equipment, both godly and non-godly? I'll be using the latter. No EBay or stores for me.

Another question I have is what mods are useless on a weapon. I've noticed that anything related to damage is not used, but pretty much anything else that is relevant to a melee character is active. Comments?


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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I believe you mised on Sacrafice, heres what I did for my hybrid.

20 Sacrafice
20 Fanat
20 Smite
18 Holyshield
5 Zeal (5 hits)

Smite isnt really for PvM, much it would do in Hell Baal run is just stun some mobs for few seconds, nothing more than that, you cant really expect to kill with Smite, I'd say go with Zeal as primary attacks, and use smite to stun enemies like Burning Souls or Minions of Destructions, etc etc...

And meh, Ive never really tried putting pts into Defensive Auras, such as Cleansing. Cleansing can be overrly done with Antidote Potions. Ive never thought of learning Vigor, seems so useless when you have Charge as your primary movement (at least that is for me.. :S) And remdemption, meh you got pots or leech, I'd go with that.

Perhaps one of the defensive auras that I WOUDL learn is the all resist one, the one that doesnt require pre-reqs. Its useful when you have same paladin with better aura, that way both of you help the party 2X more. (dmg, ar, ias, allresist!)

And um.. mods that are useless on weapon... well useful ones would be Deadly Blow, Crushing Blow, Open Wound (very good), IAS, etc etc, just basically stuffs like that, and you might want an item with Life Tap, the one that gets life tap out per % of striking or w/e since zeal does alot of hitting, increasing % of it coming out.. (you'll notice that crushing blow/deadly blow comes out almost everytime you attack with zeal :p)

And I never had "Godly" Equipments for my previous zealdins, but as long as you have decent armor, and shield, you'll be fine. You can't expect to kill like sorc with zealdin, their main purpose is to tank, block, then hit enemies with zeal, Although it would be nice to see zealdin owning every mobs, you dont really need it... As for PvP, items like Razor's Edge (180 dmg I think) is fine, because of open wound and deadly blows.

I hope I didnt miss out anything.. and ermm if anyone disagrees with me ,gogogo.


Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks NtRik, that is helpful. I should clarify that by PVM, I mean that I want to level up at high levels on my own. Mainly, I want a Meph killer, if possible.

So, it sounds like I should use smite to stun in tough situations, and otherwise use zeal for max damage output. That means I'll need to consider attack rating, which is a bother. Overall, it seems like a balance between damage output and good smite mods is what's needed in weapon choice.

Finally, what about PI's, just the standard Gimmershred or other decent elemental damage wpn with Zeal?

Lastly, what about


Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
St. John's, Newfoundland
I think I'll stick with my build. Seem slike it will work for the new patch and the new bosses. I actually plan on using him as a dueler to. The smite is mainly for PvP and stunning bosses thats why I'm maxing Zeal and Sacrifice.


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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TheRealMalakai said:
I think I'll stick with my build. Seem slike it will work for the new patch and the new bosses. I actually plan on using him as a dueler to. The smite is mainly for PvP and stunning bosses thats why I'm maxing Zeal and Sacrifice.
you wont get enough pts for zeal and sacrafice, unless you plan on getting to lvl 99.

and @frodo:
Meph killer? If you want to level up fastest at speed, go on hell baal, or go on key hunting then hunt lillith or something, didnt they say monsters in there are level 135?

Assuming that PI = Weapons,

I would carry around Demonlimb for enchant (greatly increases your AR) unless you have Lava Gout, however I think most zealdins would prefer to use Dracul's Grasp, its just better in most ways, and yo ucan cover enchant and IAS from other items. And if you plan on wearing gimmer for elemental damages, I'd strongly recommand you to use Azurewrath over it. With that, Burning souls in hell or any other undeads get owned. I'd say as for Primary weapons to attack with Zeal, Runewords or Death Cleaver would be best choice.


Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
St. John's, Newfoundland
NtRik_ said:
you wont get enough pts for zeal and sacrafice, unless you plan on getting to lvl 99.

Ladder Char ;) I plan on bringing it to the top of the ladder soon as its reset so yeah I'll have the points, and points left over for Sacrifice. Which should end up being about 15-20 pts into Sacrifice.

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