one day, a 'friend' on my list entered a mule game that i was keeping open for a different friend, and stole his eth skulders. now, this was a sexy skulders, it was a little over 2kD and and a....i think an ist in it. well this 'friend :noob ' of mine decided just to pick it up off the ground and left the game. what d!ck...i was pissed that he did that to me and my friends. :angry :angry
so, i started talking to him, telling him how i thought it was funny that he did that, and that we should play together and that i'll rush him. so we did (at the time, i was wearing full tals set) and he asked me why i was glowing. i told him that i got a bonus from the set i was wearing....he asked what it was (i just so happened to have full sigs set in my stash) so i put sigons up in the trade window...of course he was skeptical about it, but i said that the full set gives you super defence, and plus 5 to all skills. get this, the f*cker fell for it, and traded me the skulders for the sigon set. i then preceded to tellhim what a :noob he was for not only steeling from people, but for falling for the sigon trick. (i told him off hardcore too, he didn't even type anything back)
after that i removed him from my friends list, squelched him, and still have many laugh's at his expence.
w/ all the runewords i have (like 5 of each lol) and the hundreds of hr's i've traded and sold, and all the FG that i have......i'd say that that was the best diablo II day. i guess i just like putting little punk b!%ches in their place