No thats not funny
"All of these people come here to get info about hacks and cheats etc..."
No not all like you said 20% are anti hackers meaning it isn't "all".
"Well their is about 20% of the traffic here that is Anti-Hack"
Ya theres nothing you can do it about now is there? Wyhen it says "Discuss or ask questions about anything related to WC3 map hacks, files, cd key keys or downloads. " The word "discuss" allows them to say anything they wan't about the hack/hacks.
"but if they hate hacks so much, why the **** are they here? "
To "discuss" there opinion on hacks.
"Its like they have no lives or nothing else to do "
So your saying they have no lives to come here due to it takes two minuiets of there day? But it's ok for you to come here find the hack you wan't say how good it is download and test it? I think thats haveing a less of life then the people who down the hacks don't you? "Please don't reffer to the comment you have no life because it makes you look stupid".
"but to act like their cool and post how they hate hacks"
How's that acting cool? Please do say because I can say your trying to act cool by posting this? (there is no diffrence)
See you reffer back to get a life I'm sorry to say this but your the moron.
"go to a 'Non-Hack' Forum and leave us the hell alone"
How bout no?