YAMB Baal sucks. I must have a solution.


Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
When I run YAMB (I have the latest version, I don't know the number because there's no readme or anywhere where it shows the version), and I use the Baal script, everything goes smoothly until an item which I have set to snag in my Snagit_XP.ini file drops. When this happens, YAMB spits out this message and immediately exits the game:

[2005/06/06] [01:04:53] Error : Baal Exception : name = TypeError, message = item.name has no properties in your settings/snagit_XP.ini, section=Unique Demonhide Sash
It does this to every item that drops which it is intended to snag so far that I've seen EXCEPT for set items and magical jewels. Normal magic items, however, such as claws, spout the error message and force the bot to exit the game.

Let me preface my debugging attempts by telling you that I use the Andariel, Mephisto, Countess, Pindleskin, and Shenk scripts in YAMB frequently, and for these scripts my item acquisition is flawless. I have no error messages about my snagit file. If a string of ears drops from pindle, the pindle script picks it up and keeps it. The baal script, however, is rubbed the wrong way that "item.name has no properties in your settings/snagit_XP.ini, section=Unique Demonhide Sash," and quits the run immediately.

I've manipulated my Snagit_XP.ini file in every way I could possibly fathom in an attempt to debug (despite the fact that it obviously isn't a problem with my file) to no avail. There are very few editable values with YAMB which affect item grabbing, and NONE which affect item grabbing as it relates only to the Baal script. Therefore, I fear I am powerless.

I've looked everywhere on the net for a solution. I have found only one other person with this error, and they've gone unanswered. Anyone I explain this problem to tells me to re-install.

I have re-installed d2jsp and YAMB three times using different d2jsp cores, and twice using different YAMB releases. I made no mistakes in the installation process. My problem persists.

please, please, please, please, please offer a solution. I've looked everywhere for an alternate Baal script; I can't find one. I've looked everywhere for a way to fix this problem; I can't find one. I am at a total loss. Does anyone have ANY idea, no matter how obscure, how I might fix this problem?

just please don't tell me to reinstall. I already did, many times.

Thank you very much in advance,

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