Netxenur said:
its a diffrent persective of the game ^__^ expecially when your a vetrin at the game
i did a search on the word you just used, and it appears you spelled it wrong.
Main Entry: vi·trine
Pronunciation: v&-'trEn
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from vitre pane of glass, from Old French, from Latin vitrum
: a glass showcase or cabinet especially for displaying fine wares or specimens
so, here in a nutshell is what is running through a cheaters mind.
its a diffrent persective of the game ^__^ expecially when your a glass showcase or cabinet especially for displaying fine wares or specimens at the game.
we have now deduced that cheaters are incapable of rational thought, hence the reason they cannot beat any game without the use of illegal programs.
i like helping