Hello Battle Forums community! We, the World War 2: The Battle For Europe team, are rather new to moddb and I am here to recruit team members. Here are some pictures of our work.
This is a TC mod for warcraft 3, turning it into a World War 2 RTS where 4 races clash in historical places around Europe. Choose Russia, and swarm your enemies with masses of cheap troops. Choose Britian, and sneak around with commandos and have superior air power. Choose Germany, and obliterate your oppenent with extremely powerful tanks and infantry. Choose America, and use your fast mobility to destroy the oppenent before they even know what hit them.
With all new graphics, nothing will be the same. A whole new resource system will come into play also. Heroes are still part of the game, with each race having 2. Choose the commander hero to boost your troops in battle from a jeep in the backlines. Choose the combat hero to have a very skilled tank commander which can utterly destroy anything in its path. Units will be built in large numbers, leaving the days of a 20 troop army behind.
Some features:
- Defensible checkpoints. These checkpoints will be extremely hard to take if your oppenent has fortified them with trenches and other defensible structures and units (artillery, machine gunners, AA guns). You will either have to use overwhelming force, or shoot artillery at them until they make a mistake and either charge at you blindly or wave a white flag.
- Charge the enemy. Infantry will have the ability to charge. This will lower their range and armor greatly, but increase their attack speed, movement speed, and it will make them ignore the effects of enemies in trenches! The last feature is its main use.
- All new hero skills. Rarely will we use any of the same skills that Wc3 uses. Such as the ambush skill for the British commander. Placing a "Ambush point" in the center of a checkpoint can prove devestating to the enemy. All of your units around the ambush point are invisible. When the ambush point is activated by an enemy coming near, it stuns all enemy units and lowers their damage. Although your troops are now visible, they recieve a bonus for their damage. This allows your troops to utterly destroy the enemy.
- All custom graphics. Not 1 model or tileset from the original wc3 will be used. All of the graphics will be made high quality by members of our team.
- Airstrikes. Call in an airstrike to devestate the opposing army or base. But it costs a sizable amount of resources, and your planes may be shot down by your enemy's Anti-air defenses. You can also call in recon flights which are much cheaper and provide much needed vision of the enemy position, if they dont get shot down.
- Intense campaign battles. The Allies and Axis campaigns are avaliable to play. You will watch as your character fights through many of the largest battles of WW2 from Stalingrad to D-Day.
- Co-op campaign. Team up with a friend and take the campaign levels with 2 players. But the enemy will be much tougher to compensate for the additional player.
- Objective-mode Multiplayer. Tired of melee multiplayer all the time? Then try out our team-made multiplayer maps which you and up to 11 other players can fight the historic battles of WW2.
- Truly mixed armies. A mass army of tanks will be decimated by much cheaper anti-tank infantry. And anti-tank infantry will be destroyed easily by regular infantry. And they decimated by Machine Gunners. And machine gunners by tanks. It wont be like in warcraft where you can mass the counter to the enemies army and still lose. You will need to scout the enemy frequently and build counters. Its a giant game of rock, paper, scissors. Just with many extra variables such as artillery, bombers, defensive trenches, and resources.
- Weather effects. Fog limits visibility and disables aircraft. Rain lowers morale of troops and accuracy. Snow does both.
- Morale. Different things can make the morale of your troops raise or lower. The higher your morale, the better your units will perform in combat.
- Take prisoners. If a unit is by himself surrounded by enemies, they will surrender if they get to damaged. If the units owner does not save him within 1 minute, the player that took the prisoner gets vision of his opponents positions for 30 seconds.
- All new resource system. No longer will workers march back and forth from mines that just so happen to be in the area There is only one resource, supplies. This is gained by controlling Victory Locations and building supply depots.
We currently need many team members. We are looking for:
Modelers (High poly models, good quality, ability to make organic models a plus)
Triggerers (To make abilities and certain aspects of the game, ie. trenches)
Description Writers (Tooltips, In-depth description for website, etc.)
Storyline Artists (Knows how to develop a storyline and characters well)
Cinematics Makers
Coders (to clean up our triggers into code, so we can make it easier for people to create custom maps. Also to compile it into a mod)
2d Graphics Editors (icons, menu screen, minimap covers, etc.)
So there is a spot for basically anyone who has any mod experiance. If you wish to apply, just post here and Ill check back every day.
World War 2: The Battle For Europe Leader, webmaster, unit creator, and many other small tasks.
http://www.wc3modforge.com then World War 2: The Battle For Europe

This is a TC mod for warcraft 3, turning it into a World War 2 RTS where 4 races clash in historical places around Europe. Choose Russia, and swarm your enemies with masses of cheap troops. Choose Britian, and sneak around with commandos and have superior air power. Choose Germany, and obliterate your oppenent with extremely powerful tanks and infantry. Choose America, and use your fast mobility to destroy the oppenent before they even know what hit them.
With all new graphics, nothing will be the same. A whole new resource system will come into play also. Heroes are still part of the game, with each race having 2. Choose the commander hero to boost your troops in battle from a jeep in the backlines. Choose the combat hero to have a very skilled tank commander which can utterly destroy anything in its path. Units will be built in large numbers, leaving the days of a 20 troop army behind.
Some features:
- Defensible checkpoints. These checkpoints will be extremely hard to take if your oppenent has fortified them with trenches and other defensible structures and units (artillery, machine gunners, AA guns). You will either have to use overwhelming force, or shoot artillery at them until they make a mistake and either charge at you blindly or wave a white flag.
- Charge the enemy. Infantry will have the ability to charge. This will lower their range and armor greatly, but increase their attack speed, movement speed, and it will make them ignore the effects of enemies in trenches! The last feature is its main use.
- All new hero skills. Rarely will we use any of the same skills that Wc3 uses. Such as the ambush skill for the British commander. Placing a "Ambush point" in the center of a checkpoint can prove devestating to the enemy. All of your units around the ambush point are invisible. When the ambush point is activated by an enemy coming near, it stuns all enemy units and lowers their damage. Although your troops are now visible, they recieve a bonus for their damage. This allows your troops to utterly destroy the enemy.
- All custom graphics. Not 1 model or tileset from the original wc3 will be used. All of the graphics will be made high quality by members of our team.
- Airstrikes. Call in an airstrike to devestate the opposing army or base. But it costs a sizable amount of resources, and your planes may be shot down by your enemy's Anti-air defenses. You can also call in recon flights which are much cheaper and provide much needed vision of the enemy position, if they dont get shot down.
- Intense campaign battles. The Allies and Axis campaigns are avaliable to play. You will watch as your character fights through many of the largest battles of WW2 from Stalingrad to D-Day.
- Co-op campaign. Team up with a friend and take the campaign levels with 2 players. But the enemy will be much tougher to compensate for the additional player.
- Objective-mode Multiplayer. Tired of melee multiplayer all the time? Then try out our team-made multiplayer maps which you and up to 11 other players can fight the historic battles of WW2.
- Truly mixed armies. A mass army of tanks will be decimated by much cheaper anti-tank infantry. And anti-tank infantry will be destroyed easily by regular infantry. And they decimated by Machine Gunners. And machine gunners by tanks. It wont be like in warcraft where you can mass the counter to the enemies army and still lose. You will need to scout the enemy frequently and build counters. Its a giant game of rock, paper, scissors. Just with many extra variables such as artillery, bombers, defensive trenches, and resources.
- Weather effects. Fog limits visibility and disables aircraft. Rain lowers morale of troops and accuracy. Snow does both.
- Morale. Different things can make the morale of your troops raise or lower. The higher your morale, the better your units will perform in combat.
- Take prisoners. If a unit is by himself surrounded by enemies, they will surrender if they get to damaged. If the units owner does not save him within 1 minute, the player that took the prisoner gets vision of his opponents positions for 30 seconds.
- All new resource system. No longer will workers march back and forth from mines that just so happen to be in the area There is only one resource, supplies. This is gained by controlling Victory Locations and building supply depots.
We currently need many team members. We are looking for:
Modelers (High poly models, good quality, ability to make organic models a plus)
Triggerers (To make abilities and certain aspects of the game, ie. trenches)
Description Writers (Tooltips, In-depth description for website, etc.)
Storyline Artists (Knows how to develop a storyline and characters well)
Cinematics Makers
Coders (to clean up our triggers into code, so we can make it easier for people to create custom maps. Also to compile it into a mod)
2d Graphics Editors (icons, menu screen, minimap covers, etc.)
So there is a spot for basically anyone who has any mod experiance. If you wish to apply, just post here and Ill check back every day.
World War 2: The Battle For Europe Leader, webmaster, unit creator, and many other small tasks.
http://www.wc3modforge.com then World War 2: The Battle For Europe