Working up a few spells here.



I could use some help here. I'm trying to develop some spells, but I'm a real novice at War3 Map Editing.

I want to have four spells done, and am wondering if anyone can help me tackle them individually. Here goes.

Spell #1
This spell needs to use some kind of red or black lightning, which constantly applies to the target, until the spell times out (like aerial shackles for instance). It roots them in place, as well as rooting the caster in place, so they are both frozen together, with this beam connecting them. The TARGET of this spell has banish applied in a sense that he takes an extra 66% damage from spells. The TARGET also has the armor bonuses applied as listed. The CASTER has his armor reduced according to the negatives (-6) that you see for each level. The target and the caster cannot move during this time, until the timer is up.

Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 60 Seconds

Level 1 - 3 second root, Armor +6 (-6)
Level 2 - 4 second root, Armor +7 (-7)
Level 3 - 5 second root, Armor +8 (-8)
Level 4 - 6 second root, Armor +9 (-9)
Level 5 - 7 second root, Armor +10 (-10)

If you guys can help me figure out how to code this one, I'll offer up the next one and see if we can work that one out too.

Thanks in advance,


May 19, 2003
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well, looks like thats a spell thats gonna need triggers :)

the base ability would have to be airel shackles.
make ariel chackles a hero ability.

heres how i think the trigger would go...

EVENTS - A unit begins casting an ability

CONDITITONS - ability being cast equal to "Your spell"

Pause casting unit
Pause targeted unit
im not exactly sure what to - armor trigger would be but i could prolly find it if u gave me time.

in the ability editor, change the spell art to finger of death, and set damage per second to what u want.

although, i have no idea how to do the banish thing. :)


The base ability does not have to be aerial shackles. You can simply use whatever graphic you want, and have it set their movement values to zero (and attack speed to zero, so they cannot attack anything that comes near them). The rooting part is the easy part.

I will probably have to use faerie fire and banish to achieve this; I'll probably have to have banish as the base ability, and for each level, have it also apply one of five custom faerie fire abilities with the proper armor penalties for each level.

But I'm not sure exactly how to achieve this. I'd prefer if it was was one 'buff' on the target, and not "Chains of Despair" and "Chains of Despair Armor Reduction" or whatever on the target's buff list :p

P.S. The armor bonus to the target has been scrapped. So it's just a banish to the target, and an armor reduction to the caster.. with both being rooted in place.

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