I've been going crazy looking for a working bot that I could use. Ive searched everywhere. Went link to link from this board to god knows how many boards, and everytime I install them theres always something wrong some sort of error or missing files its really stressull. I havint played LOD or ran a bot for that matter since 1.9 when the first MephBot came out. SO im really new to all these new type of bots. I could config bots thats pretty easy and stuff but wow I cant get D2jsp working cuz I always get an error I tryed D2Hackit and it was missing files I tryed Botnet or w/e and that didint even install. Im just reall pissed at how dumb I am so im asking as a HUGE favor if one of you guys could PLEASE!!!! PLEASE!!!! post an actual download link to a working bot along with the pin scripts or meph scripts it can run. Please. Thank you.