I'm a newb, like a mentioned before in a previous thread, so I have to ask you if this is a good Paladin build or not. Since I screwed over my current Paladin and gave him no hope to survive in nightmare or hell, I've decided to make a new one. I want to invest my skill points in maxing out Zeal and Charge. That way, I can Charge an enemy from far away with my right click, and Zeal away with my left click button. Also, I want to max out Blessed Hammer and Concentration, because I heard that the Blessed Hammer gets bonuses from Concentration. I hear that Fanaticism is better than Concentration, since it increases the damage you do more than Concentration if you max it out. But since Concentration goes better with Blessed Hammer, and your whole party benefits from the full effects of Concentration, I have to go with that instead. Fanaticism only gives party members half the effect of the spell, while you get the full effects. So I didn't think that was all that good. Anyways, you'll let me know if I'm wrong. With the rest of my skill points, I wanted to invest in getting Conviction. I thought it would increase my chances of survival in harder levels. So all in all, I want to max out:Zeal, Charge, Blessed Hammer, Concentration, and the rest goes to Conviction. (1-Sacrfice, 20-Zeal,1-Shield Bash, 20-Charge, 1-Holy Bolt, 20-Blessed Hammer, 1-Might, 1-Blessed Aim, 20-Concentration, 1-Thorns, 1-Holy Fire, 1-Holy Freeze, 1-Holy Shock, 1-Sanctuary, 10-Conviction) Tell me if this is a good build or not.