sprucegoose said:
ive been having a problem when i go to load up diablo i get the error that theres no cd in the drive. I checked it and there is and it doesnt appear to be damaged. I clicked retry a bunch of times and it eventually loaded. That was last nightm now it won't load at all. And its definitely being read because i can see it when i go to my computer and the cd is there alright. So any suggestions?
I had the very same problem. IN ORDER
•Take the disk, go into the kitchen or bathroom with it, have a LOT of paper towels w/ you.
•Get the water warm running and when its warm enough (light warm water not bursting) spin the disc around and get both sides wet.(TRUST ME)
•Use all of the paper towels to dry it COMPLETELY<---- people make that mistake a lot.
•Take a wet paper towel and clean the disk drive(LIGHTLY)
•Dry it
•"Blow" dry the disc with your lips and try not to spit on it(if u do just dry it)
•Put it in the disc drive
•Go into "My computer"
•Click on the hard drive
C i think?)
•Look for program files, and then look for the Diablo II folder.
Go into it and find the "Diablo2 or Game" under however it won't have a picture.
•It's either Diablo II.exe or Diablo2.exe(been a couple months not sure) let us know.