Is there a List of discriptions for the Gameplay Constant?
Why I ask is that when i place a bunch of high level Neutral hostle mobs on a map and then kill them all with a hero after level 5 it stops gaining XP from them. But if i then run over to where i placed a bunch of player mobs (enemy player or hostle player) i gain XP from them.
so thinking it was something i changed i reset the constant and it still does it so now im wondering if theres something i need to change.
So i was wondering if theres a detailed discription of all gameplay constant...
"HeroXP Gained - Creep Reduction Table" its Default is 80,70,60,50,0
Well what does this constant effect ... other then the reduction in creep XP ... i would assume they are % values but without guessing and checking i dont know
So if there is a list of discriptions out there it would save me ALOT of time
Why I ask is that when i place a bunch of high level Neutral hostle mobs on a map and then kill them all with a hero after level 5 it stops gaining XP from them. But if i then run over to where i placed a bunch of player mobs (enemy player or hostle player) i gain XP from them.
so thinking it was something i changed i reset the constant and it still does it so now im wondering if theres something i need to change.
So i was wondering if theres a detailed discription of all gameplay constant...
"HeroXP Gained - Creep Reduction Table" its Default is 80,70,60,50,0
Well what does this constant effect ... other then the reduction in creep XP ... i would assume they are % values but without guessing and checking i dont know
So if there is a list of discriptions out there it would save me ALOT of time