Member! we all know hackin D2 is illegal ,isent right and ruins the game for most people. but when you have beat the game hundreds of times and want more but doesent give more then you resort to hacking. with hacking the possibilitys are endless but we need to understand that (the whole 2 people who moderate it lol) have a breaking point and if hacking continues to ensue then D2 will be D1 all over again...and D1 reall sux. EVERYONE hacks in D1 so you can never win a duel...items such as the windforce are as common as a short sword (if not more ) and that really sux. if you know hacking then you know that there are two types of hackers, black hat hackers and white hat hackers. a black hat hacker would put a virus in items while a white hat hacker would make something like "Mephbot" (which is kewl). we need more white hat hackers!!!! if you want to hack DONT jeoperdize fun for everyone else...thats just mean. thank you for your time.