Below you are given a statement, its truth value in parentheses, and an operation/relation to be performed on that statement. Identify the new statement and the truth value of the new statement. Assume that 'A' and 'B' denote things that actually exist and take the Aristotelian standpoint.
All non-A are B. (T)
a. All A are non-B. (T)?
b. All non-B are A. (T)
c. All non-B are A. (Und.)
d. All A are non-B. (Und.)
e. All B are non-A. (Und.)
All non-A are B. (T)
a. All A are non-B. (T)?
b. All non-B are A. (T)
c. All non-B are A. (Und.)
d. All A are non-B. (Und.)
e. All B are non-A. (Und.)