HAHA, I guess you guys don't got the luck I got with pindlebot. I got my wf around my 20,000th run, basically took 3 weeks, and I only ran it from 11:00pm{at night}and stopped it at 2:30pm, from which i started it before I went to bed, and stopped it when I came home, Pindle is very crappy other days, but hey worth a try, why not run a bot during the night, won't hurt you, but yes meph drops more than pindle, BUT, pindle you can get high quality stuff, meph just all the items add up, I would suggest using Mephbot.ini, he drops stuff useful pindle is a low likely chance, but when he dropped my 8%WF, I will keep to it, and good luck to you for the WF, for some reason the price just doubled. peace