ok i ahve been runnin my bot for a while now.
but i have started to notice that as soon as i rose my mf beyond 420 to 701 for pindle,meph stopped dropin a good.
i used to run it for about like 200 runs and end up needin to mule.
but now he dosent drop shit last night he only dropped 4 unique rings,2 bartucs,and a valk wig.
so here is the question is it better to use around 400-500 for meph or what.
better yet post what you use when doin meph i dont care bout equipment just what mf you use to killl meph.(oh and if you want tell me what you use for pindle)
but i have started to notice that as soon as i rose my mf beyond 420 to 701 for pindle,meph stopped dropin a good.
i used to run it for about like 200 runs and end up needin to mule.
but now he dosent drop shit last night he only dropped 4 unique rings,2 bartucs,and a valk wig.
so here is the question is it better to use around 400-500 for meph or what.
better yet post what you use when doin meph i dont care bout equipment just what mf you use to killl meph.(oh and if you want tell me what you use for pindle)