I think Socialsm works the best.
You Facist.Originally posted by ShenLiang
I would say we can never have a best form of govmt. cuz with us being the stupid humans we are we always find a way to scew it up.So I say the world should be run by a dictator who ends up killing everything so we never have to worry about politics again
Communism is on my list as one of the WORST forms of government lol.Originally posted by coRtALoS
You Facist.
Additionally, Socialism isn't exactly a form of government. It's more of an economical system in which the government controls all aspects of the nation's economy. Saying Socialism is a form of government, is like saying Capitalism is a form of government.
I think what Murderer99 meant to say was Communism, which is what my vote is for.
People mistake Communism with Facism, in which there is a dictatorship. If you actually know history, and aren't an ignorant ****, you'd know that the establishment of a dictator is the 3rd step in creating a true Communist country. The final step being the abdication of the dictator from power, and the complete dissolution of the government as a structure.
The only point of creating a dictatorship is to allow the government that still exists, time to establish common laws all are expected to follow on their own, once the government collapses. Lenin, and Stalin, both hiding under the guise of 'Communism', were really Facists. Communism in it's true form is essentially Anarchy minus the chaos... no government.
This would never come to pass however. Human greed, or the greed of neighboring countries would easily make this political philosophy never succeed so long as the human race continues to be greedy, and desire power... essentially never.
Dont act like an idiot, you know I said ONE of the worstOriginally posted by coRtALoS
Meaning you'd put Facism above that? So if you had to make a choice between Facism and Communism... you'd pick completely losing your identity/freedom/ability to make your own descisions, over just that opposite? You'd rather live your life doing what one person tells you to do because he was chosen as the leader of you and the rest of your country?
I'm not trying to change your opinion... most people know trying to change someone's mind is the biggest waste of effort you can make... trying to make someone think differently for their life. I just don't understand why you immediately say that without supporting your statement.
Heh, I guess you didn't read my post at all dude. I clearly stated exactly what a Communist government ultimately becomes... which is nothing. Before you people start talking about something, please make sure you've read up on it. Ignorance is so frustrating.Originally posted by Murderer99
I never meant what was the perfect form. Utopian government is impossible without thousands of years of evolution. I'm saying what's the best form that we flawed humans can produce. I like a socialist republic because it's run by the people and everyone has a much better chance to succeed and contribute to society. However it isn't to communistic in that dictators rule and everything is government run. I feel it's a fair balance between the 2.
lol, you think there are only 4 forms of government? what a moron... lol.Originally posted by coRtALoS
Alright, well at least I got a mature, and well thought-out response. Thank you for clarifying your point of view more.
Deathmate, what were the other forms of government on your "Worst List"? Facism, Communism, Democracy, Republic... what more is there? Or have you invented your own sick and twisted governments?
Additionally, I hope most of you can distinguish between a Republic and Democracy. We do not have a true Democracy in America. It is a Representational Democracy, which isn't too far from a Republic...
It's nice to think we do though, huh?