Biske said:
Wait a minute...Duel are we taking the vibrating function or just the concept or what? *reads some* Ok, so the court order was for them to either pay royalties, or stop production of PS2 games/controllers/systems that utilized this feature. Ok, so why isn't Nintendo getting sued then? See, I always thought it was Nin sueing Sony cuz they came up with the rumble feature first.
No. Nintendo was not and will not be sued. They first came up with the rumble
feature, but, as was pointed out, Immersion was the name of another company with a rumble feature. The approach, I found out, was actually what differentiated them. As Nintendo is the original founder of the rumble feature, there's no grounds for Immersion to sue.
On the Nintendo suing Sony note, that actually begs the question: Which one?
Nintendo and Sony may be on good terms, but that's because they know how to keep personal personal and buisness buisness (The presidents of either company actually have lunches together

; That was interesting news to read.). I've read two very different articles concerning Nintendo suing Sony. One is old and refers back to when Nintendo and Sony were partnering up to make the Nintendo PlayStation (an add-on to, according to divergent accounts, either the SNES or N64). Words were said ( XD isn't that how it always goes?), and Sony decided to make their own system rather than an add on. Clever marketing ensured that there were no copyright infringements. Sony would release the Play Station. The space made all the difference

; However, they
announced the Sony Play Station and
advertised and released the Sony PlayStation. I'm not sure when exactly, I think it was after PS2 launch but before PSP launch, but Nintendo sued Sony for copyright infringement. Nintendo won, and Sony ended up having to pay royalties to Nintendo for every PlayStation product sold (that's PSx, PS2, and PSP with possiblity of PS3

; ). From what I've heard, Nintendo opened Retro Studios (new home of Metroid) with Sony's payments.
The second, however, is more akin to the Immersion lawsuit. Apparently, Sony copied proprietary hardware from the Revolution for usin in the PS3 controller

; Do not even ask me how they managed
that one as I have yet to even begin to understand where this bit of information came from.
My source? Limited Google searches and Game(Spot/Stop) <-- I can never remember what the site name is =/
I also had to interpret multple sites to get certain facts ironed out.