Retired Staff
It's raining and you're on a Malaysian road, which means that the drains clog easily, causing major floods during downpours.
You're travelling at a reasonably fast pace, and there are people behind you so you can't stop. There is a motorcyclist at the side ahead of you, going slowly. At the rate you are travelling, you will hit a large puddle and your speed will result in the ultimate soaking of the poor guy and his girlfriend who are rather unprotected, save a coat. A coat won't save them from the soaking you will dish out.
On the other hand, you can stop and wait for the poor couple to pass the puddle. However, the puddle is rather long and the wait will result in the cars behind you becoming furious (this is Malaysia, remember?
So, soak or anger, the choice is yours.
I would soak them.
You're travelling at a reasonably fast pace, and there are people behind you so you can't stop. There is a motorcyclist at the side ahead of you, going slowly. At the rate you are travelling, you will hit a large puddle and your speed will result in the ultimate soaking of the poor guy and his girlfriend who are rather unprotected, save a coat. A coat won't save them from the soaking you will dish out.
On the other hand, you can stop and wait for the poor couple to pass the puddle. However, the puddle is rather long and the wait will result in the cars behind you becoming furious (this is Malaysia, remember?
So, soak or anger, the choice is yours.
I would soak them.