I was having a argument with a guy he said that a necro that used iron maiden bone spirit and a fire golem could take out a equal lvl PnB necro.Im pretty sure the pNb necro would win but just to make sure what are ur thoughts??
Do you mean lower resist, fire golem and posion nova? vs Bs necro wtf...... this is pretty random I think your just spaming now to get your post count up like Snarg says a little reading goes a long way
Im not spamming there just alot I have been wanting to know,but whatever,like if ur necro has high resists agaist a necro that uses iron maiden and fire golem.
Well first, Iron minden gives melee damage back to the attack and Bs isn't a melee attack so its useless and fire golem does fire dmg and doesn't have anything to do with iron minden so what your saying is totaly random
i think the pnb necro would win because they cast there bs and stuff sooo fast that they woould deal more dmg and the fire golem would die like right away if its a good pnb necro,like enigma,10pnb gcs u know the works
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