Hmmmm...opinion on suicide...
Well, to start my opinion, suicide is definitely the easy way out of life. It's a solution to problems that sometimes feel like they will never go away. In times of our lives, when things are just very rough, and problems feel almost impossible to overcome...sometimes death seems more pleasing than life. We just want to erase everything, and end it all, because we can't take what's going on in and around our own lives.
I personally, think that suicide is most cases, is definitely a selfish, weak act. The person doing this to themselves, basically no longer cares about what anyone else thinks and feels about them, and focuses on themselves, and what they want 100%. It's usually a quick, not thought out proccess, and an irrational act. The problem is, if someone does commit suicide, most of their family and friends suffer for it, for quite along time. No one ever quite knows what went wrong, and why the person had to end their they end up blaming themselves.
The thing is though, it IS the person's own life. I believe that despite what other's think about it, and even if it is indeed a very selfish, weak act, they still should have the right to end their own pain. I mean, who are we to say someone can't kill themself? Who are we to stop them? I definitely wouldn't want someone telling me what I can or cannot do with my OWN life.
Most of the time, the person is just overwhelmed with depressesion, and chances are, in time...they can get over their problems and move on...yet at that very moment, it feels as if the problems will never end. It helps if they have someone to talk that they can realise that there is so much more to life than what they feel. Sadly though, this isn't always the truth. Some people really DO have nothing...and time WON'T heal all wounds. Some people really do have no friends, no family, nothing...and are left alone. If they really think that suicide is their only way out, and they can no longer stand their pain, I say that it's their own choice, and no one should stand in their way.