I think he's talking about ping, and not FPS. Ping is what you see in the scoreboard, Snagg, and FPS is the frames per second that you can only see via a couple console commands, and even more commands to see your fps over 100.
My ping is average 100, mostly because there are so few PST servers in the US and I rarely find a server which pings a good 30-60.
Because I use anisotropic filtering, good mipmap levels, anti-aliasing, and I limit my FPS to 66, my FPS is always 66. It doesn't go down in the smoke or in big firefights, and the weather on aztec is always on. No variance, so I have nice, stable fps. With all settings low, my fps averages about 120-140 normally, and 70 or 80 in the middle of a smoke grenade. Now, everyone knows that even the best graphics cards available (especially with uncapped FPS) will get big performance hits from smoke grenades in CS. A 10 FPS difference in a smoke grenade would mean that either the smoke grenade wasn't spewing any smoke or that you went into the future and bought some sort of magical graphics card. If you can prove this 10 FPS difference, I'd surely like to see it (via screenshots, perhaps).