My opinion on anarchy is that most anarchists are stupid little uneducated punks (I'm not using punk the right way, but whatever). I'm not, of course, trying to discredit the idea of civil disobedience which can be a useful tool in modern politics. But... think it would be great "HotOpa"? How old are you? I'm guessing 13 (scientists have concluded that all 13 year olds are morons). Yeah, wouldn't life be great if we didn't have public schools? In fact, burn the ****ing schools. That's what anarchy's about right? The Anarchist's Cookbook? Yeah, molotovs are cool. Blow up shit, haha, what fun. I saw a kid awhile back wearing a mass-produced t-shirt with the anarchy sign on. Real cool, you know, since anarchists are capitalists. I've heard kids talking about how anarchical they are for shoplifting shit. Yeah, cool. Materialism. Kickass.
Okay, I'm done. I hope that made my views on the matter relatively clear. If it didn't, it's probably because you're 13.