What do u think of this for a plot?

Jan 19, 2003
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there is 2 types of "super natural" places or forces; heaven and hell. so i think that a l=plot for D3 could be taht heaven can't exist with out hell and vice versa! and to save heaven you have to save hell from dertuction....

i need your help to finish this tho!
seeing that i emplied that u need to save hell from sumthing what would we have to save it from????

i leave this to your imaginitive minds to epand and finish my arriginal thought

No one

Tyreal should be the one destroying hell for what izual did in diablo 2


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Originally posted by hellstruelight
there is 2 types of "super natural" places or forces; heaven and hell. so i think that a l=plot for D3 could be taht heaven can't exist with out hell and vice versa! and to save heaven you have to save hell from dertuction....

i need your help to finish this tho!
seeing that i emplied that u need to save hell from sumthing what would we have to save it from????

i leave this to your imaginitive minds to epand and finish my arriginal thought
The end of times has come, the creators of hell and heaven have united to destroy both. They shall burn both worlds to dust and make a new one. Ofcourse their creations (Demons and Angels) dont want to accept their fate so easily, so they fight against the hordes of the first ones. Taryel has seen a vision there all is destoroyed Haven, Hell, and finally Earth, he saw the birth of a new world the world there all three dimensions (Hell, Heavon, Hell) have come together to form one. There is no hope for humans, Angels or Demons in this world. He also sees that there will be one hero, and a choice, that hero will be human, and he is the only hope for the old world order to remain. Tyreal sees that the hero must become strong, and go through many challenges before he can lead human forces in the last stand. He must alone defeat many of First Ones's creations before he will get to furfill his destiny.

I can work on this more, if anyone wants me to. Oh and in D3 i hope that u could have more then just one merc. About the army part, that can be like a final movie. He completes the last quest gets support of all kingdoms and in the movie the hero leads the armies in battle. Ofcourse heroes face will not be shown, i am sure Blizzard will find a way to hide it.


Dec 29, 2003
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The Shire
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I wanna kill Cain lol, I think that in D3 if not a prequel to D1, they should have Cain and Tyreal turn on the world, and that to save it, you have to fight your way into heaven to kill Tyreal in the End, and find Cain in hell as he is trying to resurrect the prime evils!


Originally posted by Plumpamania
I wanna kill Cain lol...
I agree. Cain should be "Retired". He got annoying after...um..2 minutes into the game.:shoot and fer a plot we could say that Tyrael was evil (theres other peeps out there who agree) and that he sided with hell and took Cain to force him to help find Diablo's Cousin's Son's Rape Victim's Sister and start a war with hell. I doubt Blizzard will go with it though. It might turn into incest demon porn or something...


Jul 5, 2003
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On My Computer
Tyreal should be the bad guy because he could have single-handedly killed the prime evils. Here's how it goes:
After Baal and his brothers are dead, Tyreal goes against the world and turns heaven into a Hell Sanctuary where he ressurects Diablo and Mephisto. Unfortunately, Baal is beyond death, so Tyreal can not ressurect him. You start off at the monastery, where Mephisto is bringing Tal Rasha back. Then you are trapped in a cage where you are stripped of your weapons and armor etc... You eventually ally a prisoner which helps you escape and then you and the prisoner kill Tal Rasha. After that, you start walking down the road to the forbidden forest, where the prisoner is corrupted by a wandering sorcerer, who is a follower of Tyreal. Then he throws you into the Ruins of the Rogue Encapment. But the wilderness is full of trees and bushes, Making it hard to navigate. Then you kill the prisoner and he then turns into a soul stone, which is used to open the Hell Sanctuary. Then you travel to Hell where you face Mephisto as a boss. When you kill him, Diablo Reincarnated steals the soul stone and sends you back to Earth. You must go back to Hell, which has changed and harder monsters are there. You kill Diablo and grab the soul stone. You go back up to Earth and you have to search for the Haunted Stairs which lead to the Hell Sanctuary. Remember that wandering sorcerer? You must kill her so you can go up the Stairs. Then you must find yourself out of The Maze Of Death and at the end of the Maze is Diablo, Mephisto, Tal Rasha, the wandering sorcerer, and Tyreal, You must kill them one at a time and then after that the world is safe and you become Ruler of the Universe, aka God.

Man, that took me 5 minutes to type it up. LOL


Jan 24, 2004
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What's with Tyreal suddenly going evil? First of all, he was there to stop the Prime Evils from letting Hell get onto Earth, why would he suddenly go bad? Makes no sense to me...

Then again, maybe he destroyed the Worldstone for some different purpose! Hmm, what a twist!


how about god decides to destroy earth so he can start over, and you have to stop him


BattleForums Junior Member
Jan 22, 2003
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i think a prequal would be best. but just for the heck of it heres how the story line should be.

in d2 theirs only two brothers meph and diablo d2x here is were big brother baal comes in and we killed the guy. so in d3 somehow mephisto gets resurected and goes crying and biching to his mom and dad that he got his ass whooped by ShootUrHeadOff and her BADASS WINDFORCE but thats besides the point ok so he tells on us heroes and than mom and dad get real mad so than they want to beat the crap out of you so you have to fight them.

than d3x again we whoop some demon ass with whatever new nifty bow we find from pindleskin or equivalent foe and diablo crying again for he has lost many from his family goes to his grandma and grandpa which are kinda old but still think they got some fight in them. so again we start the fighting and thats all i got so far and i dont want to finish it here because it will be just like in d3 so anyone that wants to help me here go ahead oh yeah NO CAIN old bastard is pissing everyone off wit hhis "hello friend" and "stay awhile and listen" so yeah we would have someone else instead like his son or grand son or somthing or even better yet a really hot grand daughter who wears close to nothing and is not old like cain.

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