The best way to make a website is to get Dreamweaver (MX 2004). If you want to find out how to get one (*cough* without *cough* paying *cough* IM me) XxLordxPhoenixX. Don't use notepad unless you plan to know these things and want to be a Webmaster and it is a bit slower (well, alot really) but you learn from errors and stuff. The trial one is free for like a month or so? And also what type of site? Will it be just a regular HTML? Flash? PHP? Will you have a forum? Don't listen to the people that told you to get a site. Just look at all the geocities sites, they all look n00bish and will look bad for you. If you want a short domain i suggest getting a .tk ( is the url if you want to register). Some good webhosts are : ,,,, and others. I suggest getting one with an FTP and netfirms, cycorp, and web1000 come with that. If you need more help contact me via AIM. Don't use Geocities or Yahoo it will look noobish. By the way, If you use netfirms (which is a good host) there's a way u can remove the ads on it. (Just IM me and I'll tell you the secret).