you basically dont have dupe programs, you have dupe methods which build up on exploits in the game (those have to be found first). some of the exploits can be quite complicated, so they make a module for d2hackit to ease up things. such modules can be programmed in c++, we have a sticky about that.
yea, if youd make hella money with duping you probably wouldnt release your method to public either. btw most of the time you shouldnt be talking about dupe programs, its dupe methods
nope, cuz they were foolin around on their own, watching packets and shit, figuring out ways to manipulate em. And one day they got lucky and found an exploit, and made a lil program for their greedy selves.
edit: yep the lag method is horrible. Nothin but a huge click fest.
unless you use auto-it
Bah i say you either trust him or dont i dont know him so i dont trust him and i highly doubt his lag method will work sorry my opinion but lag dupe sucks it WORKED for me today tho when i tryed
y can!
Here's how it works:
1. Turn o IE
2. Goto Skulls page
3. Hit F5 all the time
4. One day a new method will appear that actually works
5. Stop talking about Skull's Dupes untill they are released
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