Battle God
Like StarCraft, I took the liberty to get most of the WarCraft Music back when I played a lot. Though through switching computers, the only tracks that I have are the expansion themes to each race, Illidan's Theme, and the Lich Kings Theme, I'm pretty in love with most WarCraft Music. Especially the expansion themes!
HumanX1 sounds very chivalric, ''holy'' at the start. You know, with the singing.
OrcX1, done by Victor Crews, is a god type of battle drums music, with twists and turns to keep it fresh. Sounds massively tribal. ^.^
UndeadX1 is just creepy. It has a gloomy, lifeless feel to it, like walking into a crypt without a torch. O_O
NightElfX1 is a jungle sounding theme to me, mixed with multiple effects and whatnot. It reminds me of a patriotic song in a way.
Gotta love WarCraft Music. Do any of you like/dislike WarCraft Music? Why or why not? :grunt
HumanX1 sounds very chivalric, ''holy'' at the start. You know, with the singing.
OrcX1, done by Victor Crews, is a god type of battle drums music, with twists and turns to keep it fresh. Sounds massively tribal. ^.^
UndeadX1 is just creepy. It has a gloomy, lifeless feel to it, like walking into a crypt without a torch. O_O
NightElfX1 is a jungle sounding theme to me, mixed with multiple effects and whatnot. It reminds me of a patriotic song in a way.
Gotta love WarCraft Music. Do any of you like/dislike WarCraft Music? Why or why not? :grunt