Well they did it when it's dying, true. So far I've been using a mounted image with Daemon tools which still takes some resources, right?
I'm happy about this patch and this will be better than an image. I can uninstall Daemon tools and unmount it. I've been waiting for that patch 2 weeks ago, glad they made it eventually. Also even if now a burnt CD can also make it work, the most important for Blizzard and I agree is not the access to the game but the access to BNet. And cd-keys are like 80% of the game's price. As who will stay with single player and campaigns for long?? People are looking for BNet, no one cares if you can play single or not. Vs PCs lol... or Dota alone.
Originally Posted by Karune (Blizzard Poster)
January 29th, 2008 - Today, the eSports Team is meeting with Rob Pardo, (Senior Vice President of Game Design), and Chris Sigaty, (Lead Producer of StarCraft II), Dustin Browder (Lead Designer of StarCraft II),and David Kim (Balance Designer of StarCraft II) for the second round of discussions on the balance changes that will happen for Patch 1.22. Many of the balance changes mentioned by both professional eSports players and the community alike, such as 'nerfs' to Human Guard Tower repair rates are on the top of the balance list for these rounds of discussion.
When balance changes are more solidified, I will give you an update on what these may be, and a better approximate release time. Furthermore, there is the possibility of additional Battle.net features to be added in Patch 1.22 that would further add to the longevity of the game online.
Patch 1.21b, the 'no CD' patch for Warcraft III is being signed off as we speak, and is aiming at a release for next week.
Ahahahahha. Do you know why I lose vs ud? I never put enough towers. I win vs hu, orc, elf w/o mass towers in exe or base, or with 0 towers. I also never liked the tanks and mass towers. I do it coz that turnt out to be the only way vs ud. So, I don't care about the reduction of Guard Towers. My style is 1 to no towers and mass attack. I wanna have a good Arcane tower (increased) coz peasants are so easily killed and they must not screw that tower. And if hu vs ud will never be mass towers and tanks, then how about we get:
- reduced armor/upg of Guard tower but then increased range
- increase Arcane tower's feedback by 10; armor +1
- nerfed DK coil's range
- Lich's nova to be damage capped
- fiends' missiles to be no longer they shoot once and kill a unit coz of missiles following..
Dests are not imba, aboms are not but fiends + dk... omg is that a race for newbs or? Then the game would be ok. Too bad nerfed towers may not only mean no towers+tanks vs ud but also no late t-rushes on orc and elf TT
And so far we've had many patches but there was no change in strats, since .. 1.18? Correct me if I'm wrong. 1.22 may bring changes to the strats, I hope for good and not to make players leave. The changes may be in hu vs ud, but hu vs orc,elf,hu will remain.