The strange this is: That guy is an actual computer nerd. He made all his music using the music creating program, FruityLoops. Next he makes 2 CDs. One named LOL, the next named LOLZ. Each song is about something related to a PC or internet.
In this case, teh song is talking about Dota. There is another song he has called Botten Anna. In this, he sings about a mIRC chatbot named Anna. The music video for that is just the same, shows an mIRC client chat, then he gets into a car and sings in the countryside. THEN GOES TO THE NIGHT CLUB!
Wtf, if its a song about Dota or something, why would the guy show a night club scene. Is it some idea to make fun of us for not having a life? Or is it to show off he is so super cool
